Ageless Fabulosity | (Dr.) Alex B Interviewed by Dr. Carla Johnson

Alex B by Neil HuxtableNote | Nudity On Monday, we published an Ageless Fabulosity interview with British fashion and nude model, as well as highly-credentialed intellectual, artist and researcher (Dr.) Alex B questioning Dr. Carla Johnson, Managing Editor of Carrie Leigh’s NUDE magazine, and also a gifted intellectual, writer, lecturer and cultural critic, about her career, spirit and work as a model.

Today the two women reverse roles.

I do not exaggerate when I write that you are reading about the A team this week. These two women who have enjoyed success and recognition from some of the finest universities in the world. They are imaginative, adventurous, spirited females with a rich compedium life experiences, scholarship, artistic exploration, involvement with young people and progressive self-development.

It’s impossible for me to interact and post the words and images from these two talented and beautiful women without having an emotional response myself. I so admire the decisions both Alex and Carla have made to interact with women of every age (and men, too, of course) on a wide range of topics that are just not discussed in such an open, highly-trafficked website as Anne of Carversville and Sensuality News.

Their ‘unveiling’ has give me a sense of purpose in advancing their ideas and positions on beauty and aging to a very large audience. You can assume that I’m already creating more vehicles in which the two friends can continue express their ideas and inspire us with their approach to achieving Ageless Fabulosity.

We don’t want to waste readers’ time; many of you will have read my background comments on this project in Alex’s interview with Carla. I’ve reposted my comments for readers at the end of this interview, after the bios. If you’re starting out here with Carla’s interview of Alex, you might want to scroll to the end of this article, or read first Ageless Fabulosity | Dr. Carla Johnson Interviewed By (Dr.) Alex B.

Today we reverse the tables, learning more about the life and images of Alex B.

An Interview with (Dr.) Alex B By Dr. Carla Johnson

Q.  Women traditionally peak as models in their late teens and early 20s.  As a model in her 50s, you have broken through several ceilings.  First of all, you are older than most models.  Second, you already had a doctorate and a university position when you began modeling.  How old were you when you first modeled, and how did you come to begin?

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