Rick Perry's Brainless Pursuit of an American Theocracy

It’s clear to me that in eliminating a federal government department that he can’t remember— the US Department of Energy — Rick Perry’s brainpower is totally overpowered by Texas swagger. His incoherent speech in New Hampshire was followed by one of the most stupefying moments in political debate history. Even Democratic pundits came to his rescue with possible medical explanations of brain freeze.

I am speechless that America is even considering putting a man man who appears braindead into the White House at this moment in the nation’s history. When Rick Perry’s college grades were published in the summer, I was astounded, refusing to believe that a man with these abysmal grades has the brainpower to lead the nation.

Perry’s smug stupidity in his recent debate puts him at the top of my list of good ‘ol boys. His reputation as governor is one of not wanting to involve himself in understanding complex issues. The pest control guy perhaps spent too much time around chemicals.

I don’t know his medical health status or IQ, but Rick Perry scares the bejesus out of me, and that’s not a reaction to his good friend Mike Bickle writing that Oprah is a forerunner to the Antichrist and women like me are harlots.

The Rick Perry Report, quoted by Conservative Daily News blog, commented on the Texas governor’s Oct.29, 2011 intelligent speaker debacle at New Hampshire’s Cornerstone Church speech above, writing that Perry was channeling his Yell Leader days at Texas A&M.

A Yell Leader at A&M requires a variety of voices to get a point across. They can be serious, angry, funny, engage in hyperbole, or anything else to get the crowd at Kyle Field to yell so loud that the opposing team cannot hear the next play that’s called.

It’s hardly encouraging to read the Rick Perry is an expert at being a rabble-rouser, as if Washington needs more partisan cheerleaders who specialize — not in intelligent strategy-making — but soundbites guaranteed to drown out the voices of the opposition, smart or stupid.

Rick Perry’s Grade D in Principles of Economics, Grade F in Organic Chemistry II

HuffPo Publishes Perry’s College Transcript The Texas Tribune

Read what Perry’s own The Texas Tribune had to say about Perry’s grades.

Perry originally attended Texas A&M University to pursue a pre-veterinary major but switched to animal sciences, reportedly because of his low GPA. In his freshman and sophomore year, Perry struggled with core science classes, earning D’s in several organic chemistry classes and C’s in general chemistry and physics.

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