Dear Victoria's Secret | Forget Diamond Bras | We Need 'Runaway' Phoenix Wings

Dear alma mater. I do love you so, Victoria’s Secret, even though I offer constructive criticism at times.

It’s no secret that I didn’t like the Angels idea. I felt our lingerie brand was a beacon of positive sensuality, one that American women trusted to help them through the muddy morass of American morality and mixed messages about sexuality.

I wanted American women to star as angels and devils, too, on their own home stage, leading them quietly to a place of sensual confidence expressed by Brazilian women, or French and Italian ones. Swedes and Danish beauties come to my mind also as women who embrace their sensual selves without a lot of doubt. 

Missionary Mission In American Sexuality

We had the opportunity to do sensual missionary work with American women, the ones who made their husbands and boyfriends stand in line at shopping center for hours for Victoria’s Secret lingerie.

Instead, my dear friend, you went Las Vegas, choosing extravaganza over sensual substance. I agree the strategy makes for good theater, and nobody does it better than you.

My feelings aren’t hurt that you wouldn’t listen to me about the Angels. This situation arises in American business all the time. Now I feel that I must write you directly, because you are surrounded by talented people sending you the trend-forward message about female sexuality and Smart Sensuality values for tomorrow’s woman.

Las Vegas is so over. Forgive me, but this is not an example of Adriana Lima in silver screen glamour. You might as well have delivered her in a Hummer.

Russell James V2 Erotic Art Photography

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