Eniko Mihalik Should Bobbitt Terry Richardson for David Webb

I love Carine Roitfeld to death but she’s wrong on this one. Why Roitfeld would tie a jewelry brand like David Webb to Terry Richardson dolls is one of the stupidest marketing decisions I’ve seen in years.

Model Eniko Mihalik is gorgeous as always.

For many of us Terry Richardson is very over. We are nauseated with seeing his Terry face on Kate Moss and every other model in town. Every commercial Terry makes for a client is about Richardson, not the product, and it stinks to egomaniac high heaven.

Why David Webb would let Terry Richardson define luxury for their brand is beyond me. Let me quote some comments on another prominent blog.

1) i wonder what is terry’s doll doing in these shots. i mean, it’s a jewelry campaign, not terry merchandise’s, right? other than that, this campaign is quite cool - as almost everything carine does.

2) Oh Gosh, NO to the doll ! YES to Eniko, she’s gorgeous.

3) I dunno..I am just tired of f-ing Terry Richardson… without the shock value, I see very little point in his work.  It’s like Jackass..the moment has passed (I thought)

I say ditto to them all. The campaign is great but needlessly sidetracked and irritating because of Terry Richardson’s identity crisis. This is taking ‘every model in fashion wants to f*** me’ way too far — cuz they don’t, okay?

Bite it off, Eniko, in a Bobbitt moment. We need TR relief and it just might work. Anne


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