White Men Struggle To Come To Grips With Hillary Clinton Candidacy

Leftists for Trump: What Is To Be Done About These Insufferable Nihilists? by Michelle Goldberg

Goldberg responds to Bernie-supporter Christopher Ketcham's Daily Beast piece 'Anarchists for Donald Trump - Let the Empire Burn'

"I’m not interested in berating people who feel this way into changing their votes. Clinton can win without mobilizing the armed anarchist listeners of Democracy Now! People who believe that it would be “clarifying” if the “republic degenerates into tyranny,” as Ketcham does, probably should pull the lever for Trump; they are his natural constituency. I know these cosplay revolutionaries, to paraphrase Dave Weigel, don’t represent the real left. They’re certainly not the heroic people organizing fast-food workers or agitating to head off climate cataclysm. But a softer version of Ketcham’s sentiment is out there among the Bernie-or-Bust crowd; in March, the Guardian heard from 500 Sanders supporters who were considering voting for Trump over Clinton. It’s there, too, in the people on the left who are furious about the prospect of Elizabeth Warren joining Clinton’s ticket. Increasingly, a vocal part of the left is marked by its contempt for liberalism. The feeling is often mutual."

White Men Reject Hillary

Poll: white men really, really don't like Hillary Clinton VOX

The new Washington Post/ABC poll released Wednesday is full of bad news for Donald Trump, who is viewed unfavorably by 70 percent of its respondents. But Hillary Clinton has her own issues in the research.

The poll shows that Clinton is viewed unfavorably by a hard-to-believe 75 percent of white men, with only 23 percent of that demographic viewing her favorably. Trump’s numbers among white men are more balanced with 46 percent viewing him favorably, and 52 percent viewing him unfavorably.

According to the poll, white women aren't doing cartwheels over Hillary's position as the first woman major party presidential nominee, with only 39 percent of white women viewing Clinton favorably and 60 percent unfavorably. 33 percent of white women have a favorable impression of Trump and 67 percent unfavorable.

Note that the new Survey Monkey poll of 10,000 likely voters shows Hillary improving with white men and white women. I'll highlight tomorrow. ~ Anne

Women Back Then

The crushing sexism of young Hillary Clinton's America The Week

Emily L. Hauser addresses some of the pushback on our celebration of HIllary Clinton becoming the first presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

People were quick to criticize the omission of the incredible Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, who we honored last Monday on HillaryWomen News with a 30 minute speech posted on our wall. We honored Chisholm before Hillary crossed her historic milestone.

Such criticism is just meant to divide us and perpetuate the false narrative that feminism is only about middle-class and more white women.

Shirley Chisholm did not achieve her goal of becoming the Democratic nominee for president. But her incredible tenacity -- and very close relationships with white women fyi -- paved the way for Hillary Clinton.

Hauser reminds us of the world of a college-age Hillary Clinton:

"When Clinton enrolled at the all-women's Wellesley College, her gender would have barred her from entry at Harvard's library, 15 miles down the road (the rule was changed in 1967). When she moved on to Yale Law School, there were only 13,000 female lawyers in the entire U.S.; that number more than quintupled by 1980, but even then, women only made up 12.4 percent of the national total. (Women are still not equally represented in the legal professions, and perhaps needless to say, they also earn less than men.)
Until 1975, rapists who happened to be married to their victims feared no legal repercussions; on the other hand, until 1977, a woman could be legally fired from her job for being pregnant (or for merely having the potential to become pregnant).
{ . . . }
Over the years that correspond to Clinton's adult life, the nation she may well come to lead has only barely begun to move forward from what amounts to all of human history, when women were not considered human enough to get a say in whether they ironed a shirt, went to the library, or got raped. This is the backdrop to Clinton's "long and tiring path," described by Paul Waldman. This is what we mean by "historic."'

HIllary Clinton Headlines June 14, 2016

Sanders voters in California look for concessions from Clinton, but most will support her -- if . . . LA Times

Democratic National Committee Breached by Russian Hackers NBC News

Stop telling me to get excited about Hillary Clinton The Week

A Yuuuuuuge Climate Flip Flop: Trump called on Obama to halt global warming in 2009. Now he doesn't think it exists The Atlantic

Bernie Sanders supporters protest Elizabeth Warren's endorsement of Hillary Clinton at . . . MassLive.com

France's Largest Labor Union May Have Overplayed Its Hand New York Times

Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting Washington Post

Hillary Clinton calls for renewed assault weapons ban: they're a 'weapon of war' The Guardian