Breaking News: FBI Never Asked For ALL Of Huma Abedin's Electronic Devices

FBI Never Asked Clinton Aides for All Their Devices Politico

Call me stupified. Politico is reporting that the FBI never asked Hillary Clinton's top aides to turn over all the computers, smartphones and electronic devices they used while Clinton was secretary of state. 

Understanding now that the FBI never asked Huma Abedin for all her devices -- and never asked the staff for every device used, as pounced on by Republicans, who were already sending Abedin to jail for violating legal documents she never signed -- FBI Director Comey's actions in making public the new claims against Huma Abedin were a total compromise in political ethics.

While the FBI made a concerted effort to obtain all the computers that were used as Clinton's private server and ultimately asked two of Clinton's lawyers for laptops used to review her email messages, investigators never requested or demanded all equipment her top staffers used for work purposes during her four years at State. 

"No one was asked for devices by the FBI," the source told Politico.

The decision left the FBI at least partially dependent on the aides' attorneys' decisions about which messages were work-related and therefore might have contained classified information the agents were looking for. Those messages were turned over to State in response to its request last year.

GOP lawmakers now say they have doubts about how the FBI and prosecutors handled the entire email probe.

"The more we learn about the FBI’s initial investigation into Secretary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private email server, the more questions we have about the thoroughness of the investigation and the administration’s conclusion to not prosecute her for mishandling classified information," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) told POLITICO Tuesday.

Three people have now validated the claim that Director Comey indeed argued against discussing Russia's hacking of the DNC because of the 60-day rule. He didn't want to hurt Trump by innuendo with his growing list of Russian business associations. But Comey had no qualms about throwing Hillary under the bus 11 days before the election.

Call me speechless!!! ~ Anne

Donald Trump's Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders Newsweek

Donald Trump himself has a long history of destroying or hiding critical emails and documents, writes Kurt Eichenwald, after reviewing thousands of pages of affidavits, judicial orders and court filings. In a strategy based on "deny, impede and delay", the Trump organization has a verified history of destroying the very documents demanded by court orders, alleges Newsweek. 

Clinton's critics know she's guilty, they're just trying to decide what she's guilty of VOX

There is a lifetime constituency of Americans devoted to jailing Hillary Clinton. She is, after all, the devil, a lesbian whore, the murderer of Vince Foster, and she fornicated with some cheap boy toy the night Benghazi burned. After all, SHE IS HILLARY CLINTON, loved by people like me and loathed by God-loving Christians who believe she represents Satan and the destruction of American values. It's just frick*ing sad. That's ALL I have to say about the topic. 

Mr. Comey's Dangerous October Surprise by Dana Millbank The Washington Post

"When FBI Director James B. Comey testified before Congress in July about his recommendation not to prosecute Hillary Clinton, he mentioned at least 10 times how important it was that he be transparent.
“What I decided to do was offer transparency to the American people,” he said, “because I thought it was very, very important for their confidence in the system of justice, and within that their confidence in the FBI. I was very concerned that if I didn’t show that transparency, that in that lack of transparency people would say, ‘What is going on here? Something seems squirrelly here’.”
Now, in the final days of the presidential election, Comey has shocked the nation by announcing that he is reopening the investigation of Clinton — and he is offering no transparency at all about what is going on here. And something indeed seems squirrelly.
I’ve long believed in Comey’s integrity. But if he doesn’t step forward and explain his October Surprise, he may inadvertently wind up interfering in the political process — perhaps even reversing the outcome of a presidential election — in a way that would have made J. Edgar Hoover gape.
We now know that Comey defied warnings by the Justice Department that he was violating longstanding policy against interfering in elections. But it’s just as clear that Comey’s actions — tarring Clinton with a new hint of scandal while providing no details that might allow Clinton to defend herself — violate his own standards of transparency that he preached a few months ago."

Hillary Clinton's Campaign Quietly Put Together A Domestic Policy Agenda Fortune

Hillary Clinton’s advisers are crafting a trio of key issues around dominating the domestic policy agenda in the opening stages of a Clinton presidency. The focus of a Clinton administration's domestic policy will center on three issues with varying degrees of Republican support: an infrastructure package that emphasizes job creation, criminal justice reform, and immigration legislation, If legislation fails to gain support in Congress, the administration promises decisive executive action.

More Hillary Clinton Headlines October 31, 2016

Clinton Aides Rip 'Double Standard' as Quick Action Vowed Bloomberg Politics

Trump. Putin, and the Alt-Right International The Atlantic

Poll: Clinton Maintains National Lead Over Trump Despite FBI Letter NBC News

Clinton backs Fed plan to get tougher on big banks despite big donations Politico

FBI's Hillary Clinton Email Bombshell Will Be Felt After, Not Just Before, Election Wall Street Journal

Clinton Economic-Policy Menu Fleshed Out From Trade to Labor Bloomberg Politics

By the Way, the FBI Was Investigating the Clinton Foundation Too New York Times

Here's How Big a Surge Donald Trump Would Need to Win Fortune