MSNBC & NBC Make Discredited Clinton 'Liar' Poll Lead In Interview Coverage | Hillary Men Hits Back

Hillary Clinton Resources found it incredibly disturbing that MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell chose to lead her exclusive interview with 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with questions about her email, asking Clinton if it bothered her that the American people’s first word to describe her was ‘liar’ in the recent but thoroughly discredited byHillary Men Quinnipiac poll.

The only acknowledgement that Mitchell has made in followup comments about the interview is a slightly increased emphasis that Republicans were in the poll. At no point in MCNBC’s and NBC’s reporting on the interview and poll, do they acknowledge that Republicans represent 23% of registered voters, according to PEW Research, but were 43% of respondents in the Q poll, in which Independents were dramatically under-represented. Many voters are Independents precisely because they 1) hate the verbal infighting between parties and 2) are younger voters also not as inclined to throw around explosive words like ‘liar’.

Hillary Clinton Resources pounced on Andrea Mitchell’s journalistic integrity on her Facebook page, asking the reason why reporter Mitchell chose to rely on discredited polling for such an important question to candidate Clinton.

Hillary Mensprang into action after the Andrea Mitchell/Hillary Clinton interview with choice words:

Ugly Truth: The Hillary Email Issue Is About Making a Powerful Woman Bow

In the aftermath of a Hillary Clinton interview with Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC is running an online poll asking if Hillary should apologize for using a private email at the State Department.

Here are some headlines emerging from the interview:

Daily News: Hillary Clinton ‘takes responsibility’ for email controversy, but won’t apologize for using private server 

The Hill: Hillary Clinton refuses to apologize for email choices 

Daily Caller: Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Apologize For Private Emails

This comes on the heels of weeks of (mostly male) pundits condescendingly suggesting Hillary should apologize for her actions.

No, Hillary should not apologize for doing what she was legally entitled to do.

This isn’t about the emails anymore. It never was. It’s about making a woman bow down before the powers that be, something Hillary has never done. After all, Donald Trump has spent the summer demeaning women, embracing xenophobia, and smearing a POW, but we don’t see the media and elite commentariat clamoring for an apology.

MSNBC Hits Clinton Hard

By Anne Enke. Writing this HCR piece on yesterday’s Andrea Mitchell interview, I just heard Melissa Harris-Perry totally trash Hillary. Yes, same ‘liar’ discussion from the Hillary Men discredited Q poll, which became the lead on every NBC/MSNBC show. It got personal on MHP just now and Melissa was very frank about her dislike and lack of enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton.

Speaking only for myself and not HCR, I am just stunned listening to these executive women journalists bare their teeth in such an aggressive manner. Rebecca Traister reminded everyone that Hillary remains way ahead in the polls and Melissa responded with a dismissive (to paraphrase) “well look who she’s running against … a socialist from Vermont!”.

Bringing out African American voters and absolutely African American women is essential in 2016. You don’t have to like Hillary, Melissa, but you are playing with the US Supreme Court here. Call me very disappointed with MSNBC women from Mika Brzezinski — who in nothing more than a lap dog to Joe Scarborough these days — to Andrea Mitchell to Melissa Harris-Perry.

Hillary Supporters Attack Sanders

Media is choosing very special photos in their coverage of Hillary Clinton. This AP photo of candidate Clinton and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo anchors a Politicoarticle about Hillary’s army of allies mounting criticism of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. 

Asked recently to compare Sanders and Clinton, Cuomo said:

“I don’t think there’s any comparison between Hillary Clinton’s credentials and qualifications and positions, and Bernie Sanders,” Cuomo told reporters. “I do not see that as a close call.”

Sen. Claire McCaskill, another Clinton supporter, stated in a “Morning Joe” June appearance that her Senate colleague is too liberal to be elected. “I very rarely read in any coverage of Bernie that he’s a socialist,” she said. Last month, she reiterated those attacks on CNN: “I think the question that some of us have is can someone who has said, ‘I’m not a Democrat,’ has chosen the title of socialist, is that person really electable?”

Sept 5 Hillary Headlines

Race Pulls Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton to Puerto Rico@ NYTimes

Hillary Clinton Adviser (Jake Sullivan) Spends 7 Hours Before Benghazi Panel@ NYTimes

Clinton personally paid staff to maintain provate server @ Reuters

Hillary Clinton’s Puerto Rican play for Florida@ Politico

Clinton campaign awards coveted contract @ Politico

Heather Samuelson Vetted Emails

GOP leaks around the Thursday testimony of Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills tell Politico that the initial determination about which of her emails should be preserved as federal records was made by Heather Samuelson, a lawyer and 2008 Clinton campaign staffer, worked under Mills and Clinton’s attorney David Kendall.

It was Samuelson who sifted through her ex-boss’ messages separating those that were purely personal, and therefore not turned over to the State Department, from those that were work-related. Republicans had sought an independent watch-dog to evaluate the emails writes Politico.