Can Corsets Help You Reach Peak Physical Performance? AOC Says Buy 2

Top: Anne, Middle Marilyn Monroe; Bottom Ellen Von Unwerth ‘Revenge’

In 2021 Forbes reported that there are more than a million posts on Instagram dedicated to waist training alone. Seriously.

British lecturer in Fashion Marketing and Branding Naomi Braithwaite, noted in June 2022, that online searches for the best shapewear garments, including waist training corsets, now outstrip searches for the best way to lose weight.

Why Does One Woman's Waist Trainer Make Another Woman Upset?

Waist training advocate Kim Kardashian is a big driver of this trend. But celebrities like Nicki Minaj and Kylie Jenner are also fans. Laverne Cox has made a place in her life for waist training. Lizzo is out front with her new shapewear collection, and I promise you that when Ana de Armas hits Netflix playing Marilyn Monroe in 'Blonde' this fall, waist training corset sales will soar.

when Ana de Armas hits Netflix playing Marilyn Monroe in 'Blonde' this fall, corset sales will soar.

Marilyn Monroe's story will be told not through the male gaze, but from Marilyn's point of view. We will learn how much of a brainiac Marilyn Monroe really was -- self-taught, yes -- and also the reality that Marilyn didn't find corsets disempowering.

Monroe found women's lives to be 'complex' and not only because of the expectations of men.. We fight to get rid of conservatives policing our bodies and liberal women -- not only conservative women -- step in to take their places.

Billie Eilish Dared to Wear a Corset!

The uber-talented Billie Eilish lost 100,000 followers overnight for her British Vogue editorial and also for wearing a glamorous gown to the 2021 Met Gala. The entire shoot was very Old Hollywood and Billie admitted that she felt different in the corsetry and with blonde hair.

Billie had a great time -- although many of her followers did everything but throw tomatoes at her.

Lizzo's new shapewear collection is drawing the same headlines. This one by Rachel C. Weingarten in The Independent captures perfectly the contradictions among women -- what we might call the judgmental female gaze on other women:

"Maybe we should all stop pretending Lizzo's new shapewear is actually good for women: Shapewear affords women the illusion of freedom as they show off their whittled-down forms in body-conscious clothing. But this, in turn, makes many of us even more body-conscious."

What in the World Is Wrong with Being Conscious of Your Body?

No one in today's 'woke' world would dare suggest that waist trainers are for everyone. Or the best way to get a second date is to wear a corset on the first one.

But now many 'progressive' women are policing other women's bodies like a pro. Kim Kardashian is the best among us on this entire topic. Her philosophy to women like Weingarten is [from Anne's viewpoint]:

"Walk your talk; love yourself; do good for others and love the ones closest to you; live a healthy life; and stop trying to run everyone else's."

One woman's 'woke' is another woman's form of self-strangulation. There is no magic bullet waist trainer, food diet, corset or dance routine that is right for every person -- in this case -- woman. I am assuming there are men who wear waist trainers, too, but they are not my focus today.

Women With Backbone . . .

AOC is a very close observer of two large groups of women -- women in sports and women in the military. I truly wish we could bottle the skills that those women acquire, ones that make them more successful in life. [Note that I can't cite the study, but this is a core belief at AOC.]

We know that the Women's Sports Foundation for years has documented that girls who play sports have stronger immune systems and run a reduced risk of chronic illnesses later in life such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, endometrial, colon and breast cancers.

They have significantly higher body esteem and reduced risk of obesity as they age. Two national studies found that female school or community athletes are significantly less likely to use marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and hallucinogens. And they are much less likely to experience an unplanned pregnancy.

Image via:

These girls are operating most often in concert with their bodies. And women in the military are also operating in concert with their bodies. Their self-esteem soars when they challenge themselves to the max, seeing what they are capable of achieving mentally and physically.

Do not misunderstand my words. AOC is not equating waist trainers and corsetry -- including modern athletic clothes -- as a substitute for the rewards of prolonged engagement in women's sports or the military.

But, I know from experience that I stand taller and get to the gym earlier in a form-fitting sports top than in a big t-shirt. At times I've lost considerable weight and loved watching my body change in the mirror. It was not painful or self-defeating. The experience was and is empowering. When I get lazy, there’s a little voice inside me that says “Get back on the horse, Anne. You know how much better you feel.”

. . . Stand Taller and Taller

You don't lose weight because you are wearing a waist trainer -- but your posture is affected. You're not slouching as much and your shoulders are back. I believe you are more conscious of what you are doing, how much you are moving, the quality of the food you are eating. And yes, you are facing yourself in the mirror. Avoiding mirrors is NOT the answer. Taking a NIA dance class with a 30 ft wall of mirrors is.

Most healthy people capable of feeling joy tell you that mindfulness is a good thing.

Serena Williams was criticized for wearing a waist trainer after her pregnancy -- and she was required to apologize to other women for making them feel badly for a sexy post on Instagram. Indeed. But, today Serena wears a gizmo on her body that gives her a zap when she is slouching. Williams submits to the zap because she likes the result.

Shapewear can also encourage self-discipline -- especially in today's world where clothes are designed for movement and made of technical materials that replace old-fashioned boning. Feeling joy and community with others kicking butt is a good thing. If a waist trainer helps you get there, well 'Just Do It'.

Ellen von Unwerth (German 1954-), 'The Story of Olga, Art Edition No.1–125 ‘Servants’, Edition of 125, Archival Pigment print, The Servents(2012), signed, inscribed and dated in pencil to the sheet verso, num...via

Corsetry, Waist Trainers and a Bit of 'Revenge'

Famed photographer Ellen Von Unwerth has inspired and celebrated women wearing waist trainers, corsets, bustiers and merrywidows -- all in the name of female empowerment.

When EVU names a photographic series 'Revenge', she is turning the male gaze upside down and challenging women to 'own' our own bodies [in whatever form we choose]. There's no doubt that Von Unwerth sees corsetry-inspired lingerie as empowering -- for women who want to wear these pieces.

First and foremost, women should wear what we want and be who we want to be. We have countless women of every age, nationality, skin hue and sexual orientation choosing to wear waist trainers -- or not.

If a celebrity makes you feel badly because she's at the gym and you're not, just understand that she has made the choice and you have not. It's simple and women should stop declaring WWIII on women who want to wear work out. They aren’t all privileged. Many are motivated — just like those girls in school — who absolutely aren’t all privileged.

This subject is on my mind because it popped up multiple times last week. In Victoria Beckham's Vogue Australia interview she explained -- not only the success of her new shapely workout collection -- but her own body-love evolution, living now with a permanent residence in Miami.

Victoria Beckham says she realized that she had started “burying” herself in clothing.” And then VB dares to do it again, committing two mortal sins in one interview.

“I decided I wanted to wear more fitted dresses. I wanted to show more skin. I wanted to celebrate the fact that I’m a woman. And I wanted to stop hiding under clothes.”


As American conservatives — and worldwide as well — move to take control of women’s bodies yet again — in exactly the manner of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, REBELLION is rising — with many men on our side this time.

We must be strong, smart, fierce and prepared — however we know best — to FIGHT them like hell. Whatever motivates you to peak performance, buy two. And find some moxie. You will need it, as the fight will be a long one.

This IS the REALLY big fight for women’s emancipation. The past has been a warmup.

If American women fall, the domino effect will be devastating worldwide. And don’t forget — the US Supreme Court is against us. We’ll be lucky if we still have the right to vote when Clarence Thomas gets his ultimate revenge.

Goddess bless Anita Hill. ~ Anne

PS: This all started with my discovery today of an old 2009 post — a true story written with wit — ‘Anne Is Mistaken for a Corset Terrorist’. The images are all being changed up in size and we’ll release it renewed Sunday evening. This is what happens when I go into the archives in search of my friend Marilyn Monroe.