'Morning Joe' Gets The SNL Treatment & Kate McKinnon Is Brilliant As Mika Brzezinski

This weekend's 'Saturday Night Live' took aim at the American Health Care Act; President Donald Trump -- voiced by Alex Baldwin -- posing via phone as his own mythical PR agent John Miller; and this week's news that 'Morning Joe' hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are engaged. 

The shows's cold open skit featured comedians Kate McKinnon doing a great Brzezinski with Alex Moffat playing Scarborough. The duo got racy and more than once -- much to the horror of regular 'Morning Joe' panelists also in the skit. 

Please, Please Come Back Melissa McCarthy. The White House Press Corps Needs You -- AND SHE DID!

Please, Please Come Back Melissa McCarthy. The White House Press Corps Needs You

SNL heard the pleas of millions of Americans, sending back Melissa McCarthy in her role of White House press secretary Sean Spicer or 'Spicey' as she affectionately calls him. Take a listen

McCarthy's in-drag Spicer chastised the news media for failing to report on terrorist attacks like “the Horror at Six Flags,” “the Slaughter at Fraggle Rock,” and “the Night they Drove Old Dixie Down”; and then plugged some of Ivanka Trump’s merchandise including a bracelet and leopard pumps (“These babies are real head-turners”). 

The pumps were great for two reasons: McCarthy was wearing them and word is that Trump goes crazy when women impersonate his male staff. Second, just yesterday afternoon -- as North Korea had successfully launched yet another missile test -- America's president was on Twitter complaining about the media hating his daughter Ivanka. His list of priorities continues to scare the hell out of millions of people. In the case of Ivanka's problems, Trump is like a dog with a bone. 

Word is that President is not happy with SNL making a parody of his administration -- even though the show has parodied presidents for years. For a ratings-driven president, it should matter to him that cable news ratings for Sean Spicers Monday-Friday White House briefing are solidly better than any briefing in history. People are turning off the soaps and tuning in. Read on in AOC Women's News