NYPD Taking Paz de la Huerta's 2010 Rape Claims Against Weinstein Very Seriously, Saying They Would Arrest Him In New York City

NYPD Taking Paz de la Huerta's 2010 Rape Claims Against Weinstein Very Seriously, Saying They Would Arrest Him In New York City

Actor Paz de la Huerta accused Harvey Weinstein of two instances of rape earlier this week, alleging that twice in 2010 he forced himself on her. Although the events happened seven years ago. An important factor in the investigation of Paz de la Huerta's claims is documentation provided by her therapist, who provided a letter outlining her memories of the sessions devoted to the alleged assaults by Weinstein. TIME reports that another individual has corroborated parts of the story, and additional subpoenas have been issued.

Paz de la Huerta | Ellen von Unwerth | Lovecat Issue #1 | 'Paz Uncensored'

Paz de la Huerta | Ellen von Unwerth | Lovecat Issue #1 | ‘Paz Uncensored’AOC Private Studio

Chatting with Lovecat last night, I reiterated my support for this gem of a newbie player in sexy media. Ellen von Unwerth shooting Paz de la Huerta in ‘Paz Uncensored’ produces the expected sizzling, artistic result. How can we miss with this combo?

Chanel Iman shot by one of Lovecats founders Jacob Dekat expresses a whole new Chanel Iman. I can’t imagine Dekat’s lovecat jumping up and down in the VS glee club fashion show,  after watching her tomcatting across the room in her little Lovecat movie. I guess good models are versatile.

Lovecat has my vote. As I told them last night, I am very discriminating in what I get behind. In the case of Lovecat, my last words were ‘tell me what you need, what I can do to help you.’

The mere thought that indy media could help American women — and models as a profession —  get our mojo back is a possibility I will walk on water to advance. The Supers were a great inspiration for all women. It’s time to bring them back.

In all honesty, looking at yet another picture of Karl Lagerfeld doesn’t really cut it for me. Give me back the almighty Supers and check out Lovecat.Anne