Should 'Morning Joe' Get A Stiffer Lip? You Loved Trump Calling In Every Day

'Morning Joe' host Joe Scarborough and his sidekick Mika Brzezinski were miffed over accusations that they "partied with Trump" at Mar-a-Lago on New Year's Eve. The show led the way in the rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, turning their show over to Trump on a nearly daily basis.

“Partied? You’re very good at pushing fake news," Scarborough knifed back to Sopan Deb, a former CBS reporter now at the Times. "You should write for CNN. Apparently making up facts is fine if you’re writing about us,” he replied, before launching into an explanation for why he was at Trump’s Palm Beach report. (He and his co-host, Mika Brzezinski, were trying to score an interview with the president-elect, he said, and this was the meeting time Trump gave them.) “One of the more entertaining aspects of media coverage of media is how so many who blast Trump for half truths attack us with half truths.”

Soon afterward, Scarborough’s NBC colleague Chuck Todd tweeted his own take on the Twitter tiff: “It really stinks to watch others continue help ruin the reputation of your industry. But fighting each other ...only hurts the democracy.” Scarborough issued a followup: “Yes. I find that people misrepresenting others and lying is indeed corrosive. I know you agree with me that facts matter,” he wrote.

Scarborough followed with an op-ed titled 'The Media's hypocrisy and hyperventilating in the age of Trump' for The Washington Post and an hour-long interview on CNN Money. Clearly the duo is hyper sensitive about accusations that they are in Trump's camp.