Hannah Marshall | Ellen Rogers | Material Girl Fall 2011 | 'Guilty Pleasures'

Call us orgasmic! Jumping up and down like retro school girls in poodle circle skirts. How perfect are these Ellen Rogers images of Hannah Marshall for Material Girl’s Autumn 2011 issue! Styled by Tamara Cincik, the ‘Guilty Pleasures’ editorial is a strong statement about femininity and women’s lives. Love, love, love. So poetic.

In the past I’ve written that I don’t like these retro grit images with dirt thrown all over women’s faces and bodies, and they look like deranged witches. In fact, I believe this is the photographer’s psyche speaking and we should all agree that s(he) has issues. Looking at Hannah Marshall’s images, I realize that Ellen Rogers can throw dirt or grit on her women’s faces, and I support for her creative message.

As an image maker, Ellen Rogers has gained my trust about her intentions — to say nothing of her talent — and now I will accept her vision and subordinate my own concerns to the creative process.  If she asks me to examine her women covered in mud, I am happy to do so.

There’s a lot of Ellen von Unwerth in these images, but Ellen Rogers has totally carved out her own identity as a creative. Bravo! Anne


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