Marine Van Outryve | Gianluca Fontana | IO Donna September 2012 | IO Ballo Da Sola

If the truth be told, IO Donna’s September editorial ‘IO Ballo Da Sola’ is a common sexual fantasy — I have it in writing from more than one suitor. One must ask though, is this vision a key reason why so many women just can’t be taken seriously in the boardroom. Yours truly never had that problem, but one should never evaluate life by its exceptions.

LVMHjust mentioned in Marion Cotillard’s brilliant editorial for the first issue of Dior magazine — has a 2012 initiative to have 35 percent of the company’s board of directors seats occupied by women. Time to follow up on that goal.Bernard Arnault takes very serously the threat of quotas for women executives in business, as well as in legislatures.

Returning to sexual fantasyland, Gianluca Fontana captures Marine Van Outryve, with slithering-vixen, nubile femme fatale styling by Alessandra Corvasce. Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi would approve.


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