Private Sitting | Georgia Fowler by Thom Kerr | 'Viper Girl'

We seriously love Thom Kerr’s editorial ‘Viper Girl, art directed by Toria Kerr, and featuring Georgia Fowler, styled by Sara Smeath; make by Joel Marriot and hair by Playe Salon.

Thom says this about the story:

“- Let’s not complicate things. It’s a super hot babe with a gun frolicking around the new zealand coast line. I’m much more attracted to empowered female identities. Helps me live out my fantasies of what kind of girl I would be had I been born a woman. But I’m a man. And that’s okay.”

Honestly, I wish there was an ounce of muscle in Viper Girls’ arms, making her takedown attributes more believable to my eyes. I worry Georgia’s arm would snap in two, if aggressive hands grabbed it — gun or no gun.

I checked her images, and this is not a photoshop job, just Georgia Fowler as the idealized body type of today’s women. Karl Lagerfeld commands: no fat; no muscle and Georgia has neither.

Having stayed true to myself, ‘Viper Girl’ is wonderfully creative, sexy and captivating imagery about female empowerment. Anne


via Ben Trovato