Jennifer Lewis on Gender Power | Taryn Andreatta on Natural Submission of Women | Anne on '60s Feminist History

Goth Goes Solar

Akiss Paraskevopoulos’ ‘Petites Gouettes De Soleil’ AOC Private Studio

Fashion with no meaning is just another form of political correctness. Our clothes, our images, our books all make significant statement about who we are as people — unless one is a totally mindless fashionista.

The fact that the Akiss Paraskevopoulos images are light and not dark, holds meaning of Phoenix Rising for me. I see the Smart Sensuality woman — and the men who embrace her — in these images. She is the 21st century heroine who MUST come out of the shadows and take a position on the issues of our times, before it is too late.

Not just Pope Benedict says you have no right to birth control; the voters of Mississippi are about to give the state full control of women’s bodies, including laws that will outlaw birth control.

The politically-correct expression of the Gothic spirit that says ‘whatever’ must draw some lines in the sand. Pick up your damn swords and fight before you have no rights left. I made this choice a few years ago, writing ‘Controlling Women’s Bodies Is a Fght to the Finish’ and ‘Drawing a Line in Lubna’s Sand, Saying ‘No More’ to the Growing, Global Erosion of Women’s Rights in the Name of Any Man’s Religion’.  

I did not become an ardent feminist (that bad girl so many women love to hate) to see Mississippi’s social conservatives led by Mike Huckabee rule America.

‘They’ are trying to take away your right to birth control, my dears. Now it’s your turn to take a stand. This is the Alamo for American women, for our daughters and granddaughters. Support Mississippians for Healthy Families. I am.   Anne

Jennifer Lewis On Gender

OSU’s Jennifer Lewis On Gender Balance, Submission & Women’s Power AOC Sensual Rebel

Jennifer Lewis of Columbus, Ohio is an Anne of Carversville guest contributor, one of several women who will share her thoughts on Taryn Andreatta’s editorial ‘The Offering’. Jennifer is pursuing a combined masters/doctorate degree in social work at Ohio State University.

I am so completely into the notion that men are naturally attracted to certain aspects of a woman. And it is true, our voices, scent and curvature draw most men in. It’s as natural as the sun rising and falling. They need stimulation to their senses. They want to see, hear, smell (and yes taste) a feminine woman. Now let me be clear, I am not a Barbie…

Taryn Andreatta’s ‘The Offering’

Taryn Andreatta On Artistic Nudity, the Female Body, Feminism & Divinity AOC Sensual Rebel

Anne: How do you think a feminist would respond to these images? What is our perspective when looking at these images?

Taryn: Feminists operate on a level that condemns the objectification of the female body. “The Offering” is an attempt to address that issue and prove that women have intellect, sentiment, depth, fragility, and femininity beyond this contemporary notion of women being perceived as objects or robots for display. It is placing emphasis on the reality that women are a large part of mother nature forming a complex web of generational longevity spanning the continuum of life and humanity.

Anne on Feminist Truths

America’s Feminists Are Misquoted & Discredited By Our Daughters AOC Sensual Rebel

I can fight Pope Benedict and Michele Bachmann, but fighting Taryn tears me to pieces. Her version of second wave feminism causes me much pain at a time when we are trying to mobilize women and men of every age against the personhood amendment which will not only end all abortion rights in America, but also birth control, stem cell research and the success of in vitro fertilization. The first vote in this dramatic turn of events for American women comes in Mississippi in about 10 days.

The ism that the truth will set us free has never applied to American feminism, due to the deeply religious nature of our culture, the primacy of testosterone-ridden traditionalism in our heritage, and the centuries-old psychological beast of generations on every continent feeling the need to discredit each other as part of their own liberation.

Molly Jong-Fast’s summer pronouncement that women worldwide have all the rights they need, and her humiliation of her mother writer Erica Jong’s feminist values as being the provenance of luxury-living, educated (white) women are the best current example of younger women needing to establish their own self identity by metaphorically slaying their mothers.

In the case of American feminism, daughters are slaying the ideals of the women who bore them at the expense — not only of themselves — but their own daughters and future generations of American women. It is our daughters who are handing the social conservatives all women on a silver platter, and I fail to see the power of those actions.

Feminism and the Question of Objectification

A bit overwhelmed by Taryn’s philosophy of the natural order between the sexes, I’ve returned to my own feminist texts and discussions about second wave feminist perspectives. A good place for young  women to learn what we really said is the Stanford (University) Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The section Feminist Perspectives on Objectification addresses Taryn’s assertions about feminism directly, providing an excellent review of the totality of feminist thought and not the much-quoted words and now sacrosanct truths about feminism uttered by Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon.