Sensual Power, Narcissism, Food Stamps, Sex & Porsche Drivers

Blogger April Malone

Sensual Power & Self Acceptance, Even at the Food Stamps Office AOC Sexual Politics

Let me give you an example of my words in action, I had a scheduled appointment to go see my caseworker to continue my food stamp benefits. I really don’t like going down to the office. It’s not that I’m ashamed or embarrassed, but it’s the generated vibe. If every negative thought had a reality show to exploit the worst in people, this would be the spot to film the show.

AOC Reader Top Five

Study | Charming Porsche-Driving Men Are Peacocks Seeking Sex AOC Anne’s Sensually Yours

Researchers from Rice University, the University of Texas-San Antonio (UTSA) and the University of Minnesota find that conspicuous spending among men is driven by a desire for no strings attached sex or a romantic fling.

“This research suggests that conspicuous products, such as Porsches, can serve the same function for some men that large and brilliant feathers serve for peacocks,” said Jill Sundie, assistant professor of marketing at UTSA and lead author of the paper.