Ivanka Trump Met With Cecile Richards Of Planned Parenthood

Cecile Richards' meeting with Ivanka Trump has gone previously unreported, writes Politico. It happened when the Trump daughter was on her own listening tour with Democrats and progressives. Given Ivanka's total silence -- ONE NOT MAINTAINED BY THE BUSH WOMEN AS FIRST LADIES -- has created a bitter fissure between her and Cecile Richards.

Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood, pretty perfectly articulated the problem with this meeting, which appears to not have done anything to influence Trump's actions for and within the administration. "You don’t get to have it both ways," Laguens told Politico in response to Trump's public persona and private actions. "You don’t get to say women should have great child care when maternity benefits are on the chopping block.”

I wrote about this very issue of Complicity on Ivanka's part yesterday. Personally, I will not give her an inch on her refusal to stand for women. Instead she spews this upper class bs far and wide, and she is every bit the Stepford daughter as Melania is the Stepford wife.

Millions of women's lives in the US and around the world -- including millions of women who will die -- will be buried in Ivanka Trump's silence over her father's expansion of the Mexico City policy, aka the global gag rule. None of us are saying that she could change her father's mind and the Republican party in their anti-woman agenda.

But as an activist on behalf of poor and lower-class women worldwide for years, I have no respect for Ivanka Trump -- especially when the Bush women have quietly -- not with front page headlines -- have continued to stand for Planned Parenthood over the years.

Ivanka Trump does not deserve my respect, and I will not give it to her until she stands for poor and lower-class women wherever they live. Presently, she is on a blonde ambition tour, planning her own run for office. Only a privileged, rich white daughter could find her in this enviable position when her father seats her next to Angela Merkel, while hiring only four female cabinet members -- the lowest since Ronald Reagan. ~ Anne