Arise! Will Young Women Join Anita Hill, Gloria Steinem & Eve Ensler in the Republican War on Women?

Gloria Steinem and Dorothy Pitman-Hughes

Gloria Steinem and Dorothy Pitman-Hughes

Anne here, very excited to be on my way to New York. Have my press credentials & laptop for ‘live’ blogging from the media pool. Simply can’t believe that I will be in the media room w/Gloria Steinem, Eve Ensler, Anita Hill and all these great women who have fought so hard for women’s rights.

It’s perfect timing, as the Republicans pass a 7th bill that says pregnant women having a miscarriage — who are already distraught over their health emergencies — can die in the emergency rooms of American hospitals.

Our nation no longer has an obligation to save its women, say the Republicans.

In Utah, miscarriage almost became a felony in 2010 except for the governor’s promised veto.

If a fetus is involved among Republicans, women have no rights 50 years later. I never thought I would see this day in America —  on many levels.

‘Sex, Power and Speaking Truth: Anita Hill 20 Years Later’, will be live broadcast all day today, Saturday Oct. 15.

For all our younger American women who argue that we have all the rights women need, how do you sit calmly, while Republicans attack women from every angle? What would it take to convince our privileged American women like Molly Jong-Fast — who says women have all the rights we need globally (an appalling pov, in my humble opinion)  — that American women are seeing a major erosion of our rights?

For an older generations of feminist women, the handwriting is on the wall regarding women’s rights in America, but the ‘Sex and the City’ girls just don’t read plain English. Too busy shopping or taking yoga classes?

To Our Granddaughters | You Are the Light

The future is in the hands of our granddaughters, many of them saying that — unlike their mothers — these young women are willing to join forces with grandma. fighting back against the Republican misogynists.

Man or woman — if you tell me or my granddaughter that if we are miscarrying — our lives means nothing and we cannot receive medical care in a Catholic hospital, then you are my enemy. You are mostly men making a travesty of the Constitution, which you also say granted women no rights of any kind.

Note that abortion was legal and widely advertised when the Constitution was written, but we are not talking about abortion. We are talking about miscarriage and women’s health services in the 21st century.

Even though the court has said for decades that the equal-protection clause protects women (and, for that matter, men) from sex discrimination, the outspoken, controversial Scalia claimed late last week that women’s equality is entirely up to the political branches. “If the current society wants to outlaw discrimination by sex,” he told an audience at the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law, “you have legislatures.” via TIME

In fact, Justice Scalia, and presumably justice Clarence Thomas,  are prepared to strike down any ‘equal-protection clauses’ for women. This is why the Republicans argue that American women can die, rather than receive medical help during a miscarriage, and their actions are supported by the Constitution.

Women Have No Constitutional Rights, Say Republicans

Republicans do not argree with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who wrote:

the Constitution’s framers created an “organism” that was meant to grow — and to be interpreted “in the light of our whole national experience,” not based on “what was said a hundred years ago.”

As women, we are chattels of these Republican men and also women like Michele Bachmann, and we deserve to die In their eyes, we have committed a crime by not properly nurturing ‘their’ fetus, an act of negligence. Death is just punishment.

If you believe I am exaggerating, then read the Utah law that passed their legislature. I am NOT the hysterical, unAmerican, liberal, east coast woman. I am an American woman whose body is becoming a ward of the state. Republicans seek a theocracy, and God rules.

Talk To Me, Anita Hill and Gloria Steinem

We’re rolling into New York now, for one of the most important days in my incredibly rich and interesting life. I leave you with a quote from Genesis 3:16 — the story of the beginning of humanity in monotheism:

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. ~ Anne

Update: Dorothy Pitman-Hughes of Jacksonville, presented a new version of her famous photo (above) standing shoulder to shoulder with her long-time friend and feminist sister Gloria Steinem in their infamous fists raised reenactment. The occasion celebrated Gloria's 80th birthday at a gala "Gloria Awards: A Salute to Women of Vision and 40 Years at the Ms. Foundation for Women." Photographer Dan Bagan re-enacted the two aging feminist warriors originally lensed by Dan Wynn in 1971 for a post in Esquire Magazine.