Fox News Gender War Goes Live in 'Bombshell' Opening December 13, 2019 | W Magazine

‘Bombshell’, a reference to FOX TV founder Roger Ailes’ preference for blondes, opens in theaters on December 13. The movie details the downfall of the now-deceased Ailes, in a slow drip-drip-drip of sexual harassment allegations against the media genius and co-engineer of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Ailes is largely credited with cultivating the extreme polarization and alternate facts universe in today’s America.

Nicole Kidman plays Gretchen Carlson, the outspoken anchor who launched the Fox News gender war, by suing Roger Ailes, played by John Lithgow. Charlize Theron plays the increasingly outspoken Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who collided with now President Trump on the presidential debate stage. Margot Robbie plays a composite FOX woman Kayla, happily climbing the FOX News ladder as a “true believer”, writes W Magazine.

W Editor-in-Chief Sara Moonves styles the blockbuster trio for images by Colin Dodgson. Top interviewer Lynn Hirschberg narrates the story.

We associate the #MeToo movement with the Harvey Weinstein allegations that erupted in October 2017. But the FOX women truly lit the torch in events that not-only saw the resignation of Roger Ailes but other FOX men, including Bill O’Reilly.

The Fox News ‘problem’ (there are many but the lack of a big Trump-loving audience is not one of them) continues to make front page news. This week Trump ally Sean Hannity challenged O’Reilly to return to the network

The action prompted three ex-Fox News women led by former anchor Gretchen Carlson, joined by ex-contributor Julie Roginsky and reporter Diana Falzone to issue their own statement against the idea. The women continue to seek releases from their NDAs, so that they can speak freely about their Fox News experiences

For example, Diana Falzone argues that Fox squashed her reporting on Trump’s relations with Story Daniels and pre-presidential election allegations that Trump paid off Daniels to shut her up about their fling. Again, an NDA was involved, preventing Daniels from speaking, although significant evidence exists against Trump to affirm the Daniels allegations..