Conie Vallese by Josh Olins in Simple Life Grandeur At Home for Zara Home

Collage of Conie Vallese model and artist by Josh Olins.

Conie Vallese sculpture in collage is ‘Mirror’, 2019, Plaster

Buenos Aires born, Brooklyn artist Conie Vallese grew up in a family. of creatives. It wasn’t until she moved to New York that she began expressing herself with drawing, painting and sculpture.

Vallese refers to her artwork as “a direct product of living. In a sense artworks are the souvenirs of a life well lived or the ephemeral fleeting moments preserved, in the form of a tangible object.” Her art is “a considered appreciation of form and simplicity.”

There is no separation of her life with photographer Josh Olins and her art. And often with her modeling assignments.

"It’s all one and the same. There is no work without life and no life without work."

Conie Vallese by Josh Olins for Zara Home March 2022

Conie Vallese [IG] and partner, photographer Josh Olins [IG] join Zara Home [IG] in sharing an intimate look at their design aesthetic in Zara’s ongoing series ‘At Home’.

In Vallese’s own words:

“Reduce everything to something simpler, appreciate it, value it and see it with sharper eyes. Living here involves all that. Enjoying nature, breathing it in and respecting it. Learning to live in a more nature-inspired way. The search for a beautiful space within me has to be reflected in my surroundings. My home has to be welcoming; I want warmth, sun, fresh air, simple objects, the ocean, horseback riding, enjoying creating in my workshop or cooking for friends. It all comes down to feeling good, and our space and what surrounds us is absolutely vital in that respect.”

Vallese has appeared as model, muse and artist in several publications. They include:

Artist and muse: meet Conie Vallese RUSSH

Meet the Artist: Conie Vallese Moonsisters

Website Conie Vallese