An Inquiring Mind In High Gear: GE's Molly Vows Never To Take Out The Trash Again Or Mow The Lawn

BBDO has teamed up with General Electric with a theme familiar to adults with childhood memories and now kids of their own. One of first household tasks that kids have is to take out the garbage. Molly shows us how it's done and her inquiring mind takes off into her future while flexing her scientific muscle. 

Most kids would stop there, especially when garbage duty requires a trip into the night rain. Molly decides to never again take out the garbage, conceiving instead of a rig that utilizes her family's clotheslines and her bicycle, operating by remote control from the comfort of her room.  By now, Molly's mind is on fire seeing ways she can automate other dreary chores like cleaning the fish bowl, making her bed, dusting her room and even mowing the lawn. Delivering Girl Scout cookies? No problem. Sitting at her desk in school, Molly creates a foot-operated machine capable of turning the pages of her textbook while she's busy typing.

Of course, Molly grows up and lands a good job at General Electric as a technician programming robots to perform fast, efficient inspections. The charming ad represents GE's commitment to developing more female scientists and engineers and follows the campaign imagining a world in which female scientists are treated like celebrities. Both campaigns reflect GE's commitment to put 20,000 women in technical roles by 2020, writes AdWeek

It's all good stuff -- but does it reach Molly? Her parents, yes, but Molly -- probably not. And does it grab her before she decides at a young age that boys are just better at some things? I just adore this ad but how is GE reaching Molly herself? 

Hmmmm. How about an ongoing SKYPE call with the Afghan girls robotics team? Translator required, but it could be an interesting STEM-recruiting twist and a global civics lesson besides. If we don't persuade more girls to take up STEM careers, we'll be recruiting those Afghan girls as educated immigrants. ~ Anne