Trump's Silverback Gorilla Status Went Into High Gear With French First Lady Brigitte Macron

Trumplandia: With the exception of Trump's refusal to shake the hand of Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, much has been made of the American president's dominating handshakes that are intended to show him as totally in charge of the recipient's physicality -- male or female. Trump seems to decide when he's had enough of the handshakes -- when to let go of the recipient in his global show of who's in charge of the encounter. 

French president Emanuel Macron notably held his own in his first global handshake with the US president. It was within this context that some body language experts found Trump's physically dominating handshake with France's First Lady Brigitte Macron to be a form of payback. 

Trump's effusive 'you are a woman and therefore I will deal with your physicality, rating you on my womanly attractiveness scale' approach to dealing with Brigitte Macron, received much press commentary. 

"You're in such good shape," Trump told Madame Macron, when he was standing with her in the shadows of the Hôtel national des Invalides in Paris on Thursday, during his first state visit to the country. Then, to reaffirm his observation, he turned to newly-elected French president, Emmanuel Macron, affirming his observation: "She's in such good physical shape."

It's the dominating imagery of Trump in the video that caused women worldwide to hope that Madame Macron never finds herself alone in a room with the President of the United States. The possibility of his totally overpowering her sexually was not at all a remote concept, as we imagined him overpowering her with his physical advances. It reminded me of his stalking Hillary onstage in the October 10, 2016 presidential debate.