Global Contraception Message Missing From Pope Francis' Concerns About Environment & Climate Change

Birth Control & Environment Collide In Real Life

If Pope Francis Really Wanted to Fight Climate Change, He’d Be a Feminist The Nation

Katha Pollitt sums up the contradictions of being a modern feminist woman who likes Pope Francis, a female who is even a bit starstruck with his humility and lack of ego in a patriarchal institution that runs roughshod on women’s bodies.

I know I risk being the feminist killjoy at the vegan love feast, but the world, unlike Vatican City, is half women. It will never be healed of its economic, social, and ecological ills as long as women cannot control their fertility or the timing of their children; are married off in childhood or early adolescence; are barred from education and decent jobs; have very little socioeconomic or political power or human rights; and are basically under the control—often the violent control­­—of men.

Related: Anne Believing in Birth Control Doesn’t Make Me Unamerican AOC Women