Boys Club | No Champagne Dump For House of Lords | Men & Stunts | Curry & Testosterone |

French Roast News

Anne is reading …

House of Lords mends its own caterer because Parliament’s Champagne isn’t good enough BoingBoing

Britain’s Parliament website estimates that about 20% of members of the House of Lords — the upper chamber of Britain’s governing body. Today Lord Fowler will handle oral questions on the Number of NHS medical staff trained in Africa. Earl of Clancarty will lead discussion on the devolution of arts and culture within the UK. Lord Sharkey will be talking about the Higher Education Commission’s report Too Good to Fail. And Lord Marks on Henley-on-Thames will be speaking on the appointment of a chairman for the independent panel inquiry into child abuse.

Lord Faulks will report on legislation concerning the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill. And Lord Boswell of Aynho will lead debate around the Report of the European Union Committee on The Role of National Parliaments in the European Union.

Champagne is nowhere on the agenda, but in real life the unelected House of Lords is having a bubbly meltdown over plans to merge its catering service with those of the House of Commons.

NPR radio took up this tragic national problem a few days ago and now BoingBloing guarantees that we are all part of the pending national tragedy. During this government (whatever that means) the Lords have drunk 17,000 bittles of champagne — about five bottles each) at a cost of £265,770 to British taxpayers.

There are other problems say the Lords, refusing to agree that they are having an elitist temper tantrum. There are mice in Parliament’s kitchens and problems with pay negotiations, argue the Lords. And they will have none of it — as long as the sun never sets on British soil.

(Image: champagne tower, kenichi nobusue, CC-BY)

Can Curry Make You Manly?

Why liking hot curries really does make you the alpha male: Men who enjoy spicy food have higher testosterone levels Daily Mail UK

Researchers at the University of Grenoble in France confirm that men with a preference for spicy foods tend to have higher levels of testosterone.

Curry Cult Catches Fire in the East Village WSJ Metropolis (2010)

On busy weekends, the dining room teems with post-collegiate frat boys high-fiving each other, brave gourmands shooting YouTube videos and ruddy-cheeked culinary tourists posing for photos alongside empty bowls.

Phaal, which contains ten different chilies and emits so much heat that chefs wear a protective mask while making it, first appeared on Brick Lane’s menu in 2002, but an appearance on the Travel Channel’s sleeper stunt-food hit “Man Vs. Food” in 2008 put it on the map for local stunt diners.

Stunt Dining Reaches New Heights

Restaurant Features 180-Foot-High Dinners in the Sky Vegas Eater (2013)

Where do men go when they want to get away from it all? How about a dangling, 180-foot-high dining experience over Las Vegas. Diners are strapped to tables for an hour-long dinner, hanging via a crane over the world-famous Las Vegas Strip.

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