Tara Gill & Little Simonetta | Malina Corpadean | The Creatives | 'Mommy Dearest'

Tara Gill & Little Simonetta | Malina Corpadean | The Creatives | ‘Mommy Dearest’ AOC Private Studio

If there is one concept of annoyance that female photographers share with me, it’s that most male photographers are only focused on the technical mechanics of the camera that created the photo. These other, more enlightened men — the ones I relate to as Smart Sensuality guys — use technical mastery to liberate their ability to communicate mood, emotion and meaning in photographs. Some men ‘get it’. Many don’t.

It’s my firm belief that more male photographers than female don’t understand — and don’t want any relationship with the response of the viewer to his or her images. For me, looking at Malina Corpadean’s images of Versace, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Lanvin styled expertly by Gary Tauben isn’t a fashionable experience, although I think the purple dress is pretty smokin’.