How Does Annie Chen's Conspicuous Consumption Fly In Cuba?

Annie Chen Is Drenched In Conspicuous Consumption For Vogue Taiwan June 2016

AOC has long explored consumer attitudes around consumption with a focus on three major groups: the Traditionals, the Moderns and the Cultural Creatives. Now, more than ever, the world of luxury is being challenged for its values around shopping and piling up more 'stuff'. Conversations around inequality are paramount and also supply-chain economics: ex, why do cocoa farmers make pennies harvesting the key ingredient in truffles and can cost $5 for one small bite.
Author Stephan Rabimov's new book 'Real Luxury' makes the case-- it's the case for Cultural Creative values -- that "luxury brands can best save themselves by saving the world." And don't use the term 'sustainable luxury'. Pinkhasov hates this term for two reasons:
These questions are in the news after Chanel's drop-down in Cuba for the resort collections.