U.S. Honey Integrity Task Force Publishes Quality Results On Top 30 Brands

U.S. Honey Integrity Task Force Publishes Quality Results On Top 30 Brands

AOC is working to restore our significant archives on the topic of bees and the dangers of global bee collapse. Moving from the sweet story of survival around Notre Dame’s honey bees and the beekeepers of Paris, we’re reading Bee Culture: The Magazine of American Beekeeping.

Bee Culture shares an update on the work of America’s Honey Integrity Task Force, whose purpose is to insure the integrity of products sold as ‘pure honey’. The Economist reported in August 2018 that America’s taste for honey “is nectar for con men.”

Survival Of Notre Dame Bees Inspires Gratitude + Update On Global Bee Populations

Survival Of Notre Dame Bees Inspires Gratitude + Update On Global Bee Populations

There’s a debate around the pros and cons of urban beekeeping and its impact on country bees and the global bee threat of bee colony collapse. Whatever one’s position on the subject, it was a small ray of light in the sad story of the awesome fire that swept through Notre Dame on April 15, 2019 that the bees survived.