Shakira: Brainiac Smart Sensuality Activist with Curves

Shakira: Brainiac Smart Sensuality Activist with Curves

One of our most important AOC articles took off yesterday, moving into the top 5 after a hiatus. Originally written in 2009 when Shakira’s ‘She Wolf’ video hit the charts, Anne explains much of her philosophy about the Smart Sensuality woman: smart and sexy with heart.

Shakira | Permanently Committed to A Better World

Like their sexy gal pal, the Smarty Pants guys are concerned about the real issues of our times. Only powerful thinking and strong alliances will save the planet from the devastating effects of global poverty, women’s subjugation, lack of childhood education and environmental catastrophe.

With Howard Buffett and Carlos Slim Helu on her side, Shakira is cruising in her determined crusade to change the world.