Archives | Dr Greenfield's Sexism Charges At American College of Surgeons Remind Anne of Her Cat Shoes Story

Trying to distract myself from the Nevada HIllary/Bernie mashup today I encounterd a great pair of cat shoes from a FB friend.  The shoes inspired a FB post Anne's Cat Shoes Meet A New York Master of the Universe

In the case of the cat shoes, I bought mine in Paris during the 80s, and positively adored them. My cat shoes were fully fitted with eyes, whiskers and tails. Wearing them on the sidewalks of New York, I knew my cat tails weren’t long for this world.

A sensible woman would have kept her cat tails for special occasions, but mine were pounding the pavement in days. Within weeks, one tail was AWOL.

Near Grand Central New York, A Smart Woman Tries To Keep Her Tail Intact

I have a major pet peeve with aggressive men in New York -- even though I’ve dated plenty of them. You know the guy — he walks in the wrong direction on your side of the sidewalk, assuming that you will get out of his way, in order to avoid a major collision. It usually works, and women not only defer but say ‘I’m sorry’ as a Manhattan master of the universe mows the little people down.

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