Melinda Gates Assumes Primary Role In Defending Women's Health & Reproductive Rights Worldwide

Melinda Gates Assumes Primary Role In Defending Women's Health & Reproductive Rights Worldwide AOC Front Page

Pictured above on her first trip to Africa in 1993, Melinda Gates could now be the most important action hero for women worldwide. That includes America, where the Republican War on Women is in full swing with their commitment to defunding Planned Parenthood, rolling back not only abortion rights but rights to contraception as well, and focusing on personhood legislation, which not only establishes a legal definition of life as beginning at conception, but severely limiting the civil rights of all pregnant women by equating her rights with those of a 24-hour old fertilized egg.

With the rise of alt-right lover Donald Trump as America's next president, the Trump administration is surrounding themselves with officials who want to implement this full-court strategy against American women asap.

Without Hillary Clinton at the helm of the American presidency, the future of women's most precious rights probably falls to Melinda Gates, who is notably apolitical. The first order in a Trump administration will be once again cutting off any federal government support for contraception and family planning worldwide. America's Catholic bishops and Christian conservatives in Congress won't permit it.

Read on about Melinda Gates and her refusal to bow to these massive powers that dominate American culture.