Republican War on Women | Without Facts, Lie, Distort, & Mock Women's Rights

Republican War on Women | Without Facts, Lie, Distort, & Mock Women's Rights

After watching this video on YouTube , of Howie Rich training Tea Party goes in guerrilla Internet tactics like giving Liberal books a 1-star rating on Amazon and Conservative ones a 5-star — even though they haven’t read either book, Senator Jon Kyl’s strategy of lying on the Senate floor about Planned Parenthood services comes right out of this Tea Party activist guide.

Howie Rich pretty much tells Tea Party people to do what is required to destroy the enemy (that would be me). Educating Americans factually is not part of their goal. Smear the opposition — which is a classic Eugene McCarthy tactic — is embraced by the Tea Party, then leveraged by the Republican War on Women by Senator Jon Kyl on the Senate floor.