Activist Photograffeur JR Wins $100,000 TED 2011 Prize

The 2011 $100,000 TED prize will go to global activist artist JR, a ‘photograffeur’ who lives in cognito, travelling the world shining a huge light onto the faces and lives of people living primarily in slums. His dramatic installations grab our attention, almost dragging us into an intimate relationship with the world’s poor.

We’re followed JR’s projects, with special attention to his ‘Women Are Heroes’ initiative.

For corporate readers, it’s noteworthy that JR was adamant in accepting the TED prize that commercial interests not be involved, in what will become a larger 2011 TEDster art initiative around the world.  This is the mind of the Cultural Creative, and also Smart Sensuality woman, at work and a reflection of an emerging set of new values around commercial recognition and involvement in the arts. Read on in Les Artistes.