Bazaar Italia Issue 09 Dazzling Covers with Elle Mccutcheon and Rianne Van Rompaey

Australian model Ella Mccutcheon wears Louis Vuitton on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar Italia [IG] Issue 09 Dazzling, styled by Sissy Vian for images by Nathaniel Goldberg [IG]. / Hair by Joseph Pujalte; makeup by Tom Pecheux

Rianne Van Rompaey adds her elegant signature to a second Bazaar Italia 09 print cover and a digital one. Rianne wears Prada styled by Olivier Rizzo with images shot by Willy Vanderperre [IG].

American model Ali Dansky wears Fendi, lensed by Viviane Sassen [IG] in a digital cover, with styling by Katie Shillingford.