Kylie Jenner Fronts DG Logo Bag Campaign, Lensed by Mert & Marcus

Dolce & Gabbana is not a toned-down brand, but Kylie Jenner’s softer, more natural makeup enhances the sensual message of her new DG Logo bag campaign.

Sophisticated, uber-competent women like Kylie rarely take handbags to bed.

Then again . . . a leopard print throw, black stockings with black nails and a silk bra photographed against the backdrop of an Italian tapestry may convey the well-travelled road to the riches of earning your own DG Logo bag — Karlie style — or being gifted the Italian treasure by photographers duo Mert & Marcus [IG], who photographed the campaign.

Consider the fact that Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott own a spectacular 10-bedroom Moorish villa in Ibiza. Who knows . . . there may be a DG Logo bag gifted to special guests like Kylie.

Even more likely is Palacio de Salomon’s proximity to Es Vedrà, reputed to be the Isle of the Sirens, from Homer’s Odyssey. “There are supposed to be the Sirens living there, trapping the salesmen,” Mert Alas told The New Yorker in 2004. “Magnetic energies luring people.”

Not known for understatement, Mert and Marcus are being discrete about the Sirens, creatures that were half bird and half woman who lured sailors to death and destruction by the sweetness of their songs.

The Khardashian women — especially Kylie and Kim — are real-life Sirens come to life in the fashion visions of Mert & Marcus — and Italian luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana.

Based on the quality of recent campaigns, Anne of Carversville is here for it. ~ Anne