Jennifer Lawrence Covers Vogue US October 2022, Lensed by Tina Barney

Jennifer Lawrence Covers Vogue US October 2022, Lensed by Tina Barney AOC Fashion

Actor and new mom Jennifer Lawrence, covers the October 2022 issue of American Vogue, meeting Abby Aguirre at Tikkun, a small, intimate spa in Santa Monica, for the interview. Tonne Goodman styles the fashion shoot, with photographer Tina Barney behind the lens./Hair by Jenny Cho; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi.

Barney is best known for her large-scale, color portraits of her family and close friends in New York. 10 of her images are at MOMA in NY.

Hollywood Pay Gap and the Leak

The interview zigs and zags around ‘Causeway’, pregnancy and birth and also love and commitment, and politics. It’s pretty choppy interview organization — but also a way of guaranteeing that you will stay around to read it complete, I guess. And we hit the Hollywood pay gap for good measure — with Jennifer Lawrence being one of its fiercest critics.

By now I was pre-searching the text with ‘leaking nude photos’, to save myself making an outline and eureka — they lived together: pay gap and nude photos.

“She knows all actors at her level are overpaid, but the discrepancy is still bothersome. It reflects the pay gap between men and women writ large, and it delivers the same insult: “It doesn’t matter how much I do. I’m still not going to get paid as much as that guy, because of my vagina?” The hacking and leaking of her nude photos felt punitive, as though it was because she was one of the highest-paid actresses in the world that someone thought: Strip her clothes off.”

Kentucky Roots, Multiple Miscarriages

We learn of Jennifer Lawrence’s miscarriages and her firm understanding with the overturning of Roe that she probably would not receive treatments to save her life in Kentucky. She has never forgiven America for electing Trump, even though she has tried and tried again.

“I’ve tried to get over it and I really can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry I’m just unleashing, but I can’t fuck with people who aren’t political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. It’s too dire. Politics are killing people.”

She puts the election of Donald Trump in slightly comedic terms — but of course, none of us are laughing.

“It breaks my heart because America had the choice between a woman and a dangerous, dangerous jar of mayonnaise. And they were like, Well, we can’t have a woman. Let’s go with the jar of mayonnaise.” And now, thanks to Supreme Court justices appointed by that dangerous jar of mayonnaise, the unthinkable had happened. “I don’t want to disparage my family, but I know that a lot of people are in a similar position with their families. How could you raise a daughter from birth and believe that she doesn’t deserve equality? How?

We roll on from the midterm elections to gun control and Uvalde — first day of school is today. This is the passionate Jennifer Lawrence that AOC loves.