Terry Gates and Alli Sim Teal Create 'AI Metahumans' for Vogue Singapore September 2022

Vogue Singapore’s September 2022 ‘Fashion’s New World’ issue shares a fashion story ‘AI Metahumans’, styled [co-created AI] by Alli Sim Teal in images lensed but also created by Terry Gates [IG]. The images prompt us to examine what the rush towards the #metaverse means for the tangible, elemental self.

Terry Gates and Alli Sim Teal Create 'AI Metahumans' for Vogue Singapore September AOC Fashion

Using machine learning in the Al program MidJourney, combined with text prompts from beauty director @alli.teal, Gates created a series of spell-binding portraits that fuse spawn-like elements with lustrous, of-the-earth crystals.

To view the full photo series, head to Vogue's New World-a virtual reality space on @spatial_io designed in partnership with @polycount.io that brings the #VogueSingapore September issue to life.

Here’s a very interesting article on MidJourney from PC World. And I was sent this link by a high-ranked website investigating AI-Generated Bias.

Just as the PC world was not a paid link, this one isn’t either.

AOC never does paid links — maybe 3-5 since 2007 and none for several years — always out of respect for the photographers. We do engage in affiliate programs, which is not the case here either. ~ Anne