RedTracker News | Attorney General to Investigate Yale Aggression Against Women | In Britain, Report Concludes Feminsm Is Bad for Working Class Men

RedTracker| Pushup Bras for Little Girls With No Boobies

75-year old Ethel Bolton of Santa Ana, Ca was issued a trespassing citation, now rescinded, for staging a protest against the Abercrombie & Fitch ‘Ashley’ push up triangle bra bikini for seven year olds.

Abercrombie first responded to last week’s litany of protest by re-categorizing the pushup bra for little girls with no boobies as best suited for girls age 12 and older. The decision didn’t quell the disgust from people like Ethel Bolton, and as of Wednesday night, the Ashley bikini top was no longer sold on the Abercrombie Kids web site. via The Orange Country Register

Yale Women’s Center Files Title IX Complaint

As the Conservative Republicans and some Democrats across America declare on women’s reproductive and health rights, seeking to end cancer screenings, access to birth control and a host of other health services for poor and lower-middle class women, 16 Yale students and alumni released a statement recognizing that women are also under attack on the Yale campus and asking the federal government to intervene.

We have no word on whether Republicans also seek to eliminate the office of the Attorney General at a federal level, letting America trouble shoot problems — with or without guns at state level. As of today, the federal government is charged with enforcing Title IX, the Civil Rights Act.

The complaint is tied to Yale University Delta Kappa Epsilon’s (DKE) pledge week, in which the Yalie boys ran to the Yale Women’s Center chanting “No means yes, yes means anal. Fucking sluts. My name is Jack, I’m a necrophiliac, I fuck dead women and fill them with my semen”.

DKE’s aggression has grown considerably from their 2008 rants and signs reading: ‘WE LOVE YALE SLUTS’. It’s conceivable that this case could eventually end up at America’s Supreme Court if charges are levied against America’s finest young men.

Who knows, even the American Civil Liberties Union might be called to defend the Yale men’s right to free speech.

Can we just say in advance, that we expect Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself, being a graduate of Yale and his past controversies about women’s rights. The media refuses to discuss the allegations of sexual impropriety against Clarence Thomas revealed by his former long-term girlfriend Lillian McEwen in her memoir D.C. Unmasked & Undressed: A Memoir. We turn readers to a book review in Afro, a source we assume to be relatively objective in their review.

Back to the Yale 16. The University will now face an investigation from the Office of Civil Rights, to assess the climate encouraging sexual violence against women at Yale.

This Monday, Vice President Joseph Biden and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will hold a press conference announcing new guidelines for addressing and preventing sexual harassment and sexual violence in educational settings. The Title IX complaint against Yale is part of a larger movement for change. via Yale Daily News

‘Gullet Report’ For Expert Cocksman Followup

Being good journalists, we are waiting for news of the investigation at USC (University of Southern California) about the Gullet Report, alleged sent by a member of fraternity Kappa Sigma to his brother.

I have come to write this memo to you today to educate on the only life worth living, that of a Cocksman. A Cocksman is taught to live by the two most applicable principles I know: The Pie and the Gullet. You may already be lost in trying to comprehend this logic. Do not worry this is completely understandable. By the end of this memo, you will not only gain a greater understanding of what it means to live, but you will have embraced a lifestyle. However, in order for this to happen you first must know a couple key terms.

Note: I will refer to females as “targets”. They aren’t actual people like us men. Consequently, giving them a certain name or distinction is pointless.

Read the entire email in Anne’s Sensually Yours.

Ladies, Get Back in the Kitchen

David Willets, the universities minister, claims feminism trumped egalitarianism Photo: EDDIE MULHOLLAND

David Willets: Feminism Has Held Back Working Class Men Telegraph UK

Anne has long written that American women have no idea what is in store for them in the years ahead. Let us give you a preview from Britain:

The Government’s social mobility strategy, which will conclude that movement between the classes had “stagnated” over the past 40 years, will be published next week and Mr Willetts blamed the entry of women into the workplace and universities for the lack of progress for men.

“Feminism trumped egalitarianism,” he said, adding that women who would otherwise have been housewives had taken university places and well-paid jobs that could have gone to ambitious working-class men.