Dear Walmart Moms #2: A Divorced Mom With 2 Jobs and A Disabled Son Is Talking To You

I am thinking about this upcoming election day and all that is at stake. I hear there is a very important group of voters that both parties, both campaigns, think are critical to win the presidency –women that some are calling “Walmart moms.” Considering that I am a single mom, who is managing two jobs to support myself and my son- who also happens to have disabilities, I feel compelled to share some thoughts with some of my fellow moms.

I cannot tell you how important this election is – the huge difference in the America we will have, depending upon who becomes our next president. I understand that its hard to stay current with all the issues, where these two men who want to be president really want to take us as a country, and as a people. I thought about this a lot and thought it may be easiest to describe the difference in the two sides by giving a pop culture comparison.

Can We Talk Dirty Dancing?

I bet many of you have seen the movie ‘Dirty Dancing’ and this seems a fairly easy way to make a point about the difference in values of the men who are running for President of the US. You see, Paul Ryan — one of our vice presidential candidates — says that Ayn Rand is his hero. The values written about define the direction that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to take America.

Who is Ayn Rand you ask? —as you are working, caring for your kids, trying to pay bills and balance all that life demands of us – all while realizing you don’t have time to read Ayn Rand (her books are 600-1000 pages long!)

Okay – well, let’s get back to ‘Dirty Dancing’ – do you remember Robbie the waiter? You know, the slimy, ‘thinks he is better than others’ guy who got Penny pregnant? Well, if you think about the movie, and when Baby went to ask Robbie to do the right thing, own up that he was the father, Robbie gave Baby a book to read – it was The Fountainhead, written by Ayn Rand. Everything that defined who Robbie is (and his sense that he was better than “a girl like that”) came from that book – came from Ayn Rand.

Legitimate Rape and the Girl Who Asks For It

That’s how Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan think – they are better; they are entitled. You know how “girls like that” are…… now, think – what have you been hearing in the news? Things like “legitimate rape,” “the 47%,” “just put an aspirin between your knees.” THAT is the same mentality that existed not only in that fictional movie, but in the attitudes of today’s Republican party!

You don’t believe me? Well, Mitt Romney has said he will defund Planned Parenthood on day one of a Romney presidency. Can you afford to have more kids? To go without birth control? Think I am exaggerating? Well – I can tell you, the current Repulican candidate for the vice presidency has introduced a bill in Congress that involves what is called “personhood”.

Mitt Romeny says he would be happy to sign a personhood bill into law. Do you know what that kind of law would do? It would make many forms of birth control illegal, it would make IUDs illegal, defining the woman who uses one as a murderer! A personhood bill would make in-vitro fertilization illegal!

Ending Women’s New and Better Healthcare

Mitt Romney has said that he would get rid of Obamacare on day one of a Romney presidency. Do you know how bad that would be?

Obamacare means that as women, we don’t have to pay more for health insurance just because we are women! It means that we can get birth control at no charge as part of our health plans. It means that if you don’t have insurance today, states are supposed to be making plans to make insurance affordable and available to ALL of us!

Obamacare means that if you have a pre-existing condition like I do (I have had a long history of ovarian cysts and a higher risk of cancer), then insurance companies cannot deny me coverage – and, there are no longer lifetime limits on coverage. That is important for people who have long-term illnesses, or disabilities. I cannot tell you how important that is to me because my son has a disability. Before Obamacare, it was possible that he would reach a lifetime limit cap on insurance coverage before he turned 20 years old!! Not anymore – thanks to President Obama!

Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner

So, if Robbie the waiter represents Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan, what from Dirty Dancing can we consider that would represent President Obama and Vice President Biden? Think, “nobody puts Baby in a corner!”

President Obama believes WOMEN should make their own health choices; women should get paid the same as men for doing the same job; women are valuable members of our country and should be given equal respect. President Obama doesn’t consider women the same as pigs, cows, or dogs. I kid you not —- Republicans, in their efforts to control women, or win an election against a woman — have compared women to pigs, cows and dogs!!

In Georgia, Republicans were trying to pass a law that said a woman could not get an abortion, even if the baby she was carrying had died. On the flloor of the Georgia legislature those Republicans said (to paraphrase) “I have seen my cows and pigs birth dead offspring. If they can do it, women can do it!!” After a debate, a man running for Senate in Missouri compared his Democratic opponent – who was a woman – to a dog!!

This is serious ladies – for your own sake, for the sake, safety and health of your children, for ALL of our children, there is only one option in this election – Re-Elect President Obama and Vice-President Biden!!

Nicole Turman



Voices Organizing Together for Equality

Note: Read Anne’s interview with Nicole, with whom she worked on the April 28th Stop the War on Women rally in Harrisburg, on the steps of Pennsylvania’s capitol.