PA Withdraws Proof of Rape for Welfare Bill | CNN Pulls Women Vote Hormonal Story | Republican Rape Problem

French Roast News

Pennsylvania Bill Requiring Women to Prove They Were Raped Is WithdrawnThe Daily Beast

A Pennsylvania bill that would have limited welfare benefits for low-income mothers—unless they could prove their newborns were a result of rape—has been withdrawn by the lawmakers who introduced it after a wave of criticism following its announcement.

Let Women Fight The Daily Beast

Presently, 214,098 women serve in the US military. Arguing that the military was the first major American institution to integrate African Americans, and now gay and lesbian soldiersm Megan H. MacKenzie argues that it’s time to let women serve in combat.

CNN Retracts Story About Hormonal Women VotersThe Atlantic Wire

In a matter of hours, CNN published and removed a story about how hormones influence women voters, one that made claims about how women tend to lean liberal when ovulating because they “feel sexier.” The story was based on an unpublished scientific study — insert scare quotes as needed — from researchers at the University of Texas, San Antonio that looked at the political tendencies of 275 women at various stages of their menstrual cycle. Broadly speaking, the study concluded that, yes, women’s voting patterns do vary based on their hormones.

via PL

Liya Kebede | Ben Hassett | Numéro #138 November 2012 | La Guerrière

It’s Anne, and I’m playing around here — pressing forward on our template design and how we woo readers to love us even more.

The Republican ‘Rape’ Problem Daily Beast

The current Republican party platform calls for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion in all cases. The Kansas City Star — home to senate candidate Todd Akin — writes about this week’s Mourdock fracas: Note that Mourdock was advocating a specific and very intrusive public policy — a ban on abortion even in cases of rape — because each act of conception, no matter if a violent assault, is part of God’s plan. Yes, it’s a horrible crime. Yes, the pregnancy will likely extend and intensify the victim’s suffering. But we must enshrine this martyr’s burden in law because it is God’s will that we do so.

Read more here:

The November issue of Vogue Russia is devoted to ‘The Nude in Vogue’

Can you ever imagine American Vogue publishing a similar issue? Nada. Not on your life!

Editorial: Lydia Hunt | Moke Na Jung | Nylon Korea October 2012 | ‘Sunshine Impression’

Why must our young women be tarts at 10? Leave tartiness for grownups who have drivers licenses on the road of life.