'Bronze Age' Sensual Furniture By Frank Tjeplema

Frank Tjeplema, lead designer and founder of Dutch studio Tjeo produces inspiring bronze furniture that is exquisite in terms of its craftsmanship and sensuality. The collection called ‘Bronze Age’ is presented in the ballroom of the Colloredo Mansfeld Palace in Prague. Tnepkema explains:

“Bronze Age collection contains all hand-crafted pieces, using traditional skills that once underpinned our very survival, each piece a manually intensive work and formed from the material that represents the dawn of civilisation. For this project I wanted to create something totally opposite to the technology driven trends based on the emergence of new digital tools such as 3d printing. I like the idea that bronze is precious and is therefor implicitly sustainable, it is either preserved or remelted but never discarded, who knows maybe these pieces contain a couple of remelted ancient bronze swords!” 

Bronze Age by Tjep. from Frank Tjepkema on Vimeo.

As for his design vision, ” (it is) ‘as a reaction to the unstoppable digitalisation and virtualisation of all our basic needs, all the way to love and friendship, I feel an urge to produce work that is antagonistic to this trend.’ says Frank Tjepkema

