Blog Love to Rabbit Hearted Girl | Anne's Childhood Peony Caper | Captain Confrontation at La Grenouille

A Hundred Hail Marys

My Way | A Confession About Stealing Peonies Anne’s ‘Sensually Yours’

It was a warm and lovely spring Saturday in my tiny town. I was scheduled to go to confession at 4pm; my long, straight hair was freshly washed and  bound in curlers. And yes, I admit this to you … at eight years old, I had lust in my heart … for Mr. Gilling’s peonies.

Even then, I was a pragmatist and a straight shooter. I could have crept under the windows of Mr. Gillilng’s house in darkness, holding my garden shears … snatching those gorgeous peonies for myself.

NEW Blog Love

Thanks Rabbit Hearted Girl!

Her generous traffic today and love of peonies and roses makes us digital soulmates.

Captain of Bad Manners

My Encounter with the Captain of Silver Service at New York’s La Grenouille Restaurant AOC Style/Living

Just twice in my life have I grabbed someone by the wrist, suspending his/her hand in mid-air with my own firm grip.

Tired of dodging the utensils at La Grenouille, I grabbed the Captain’s wrist, looking him squarely in the eye, saying: “Stop throwing around the silverware or get us a replacement for your services at once!” I didn’t let go either, retaining a firm grip on his wrist and not losing eye contact.