Tribal Garden Roses Pendant Fence Necklace


Tribal Garden Roses Pendant Fence Necklace


Sizing: 18-22” adjustable plus 4” long ‘fence’ pendant made of GlamTribal flower decoupage beads and enamel-painted honeybee charm. Now using colored hemp stringing for sustainability.

Finding: Handmade bone and brass extender, hand-painted flower clasp, and flowers on elephant charm earrings.

Handcrafted in America; natural variations and minor substitutions for sizing apply. Necklace shipped in burlap bag w/recycled tissue.

FREE SHIPPING US. $10 PD SHIPPING EUROPE. Fits in Small USPS Priority Mail box for expedited shipping.

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Studio-made:3 featherweight floral decoupage beads; Africa: 4 pink millefleur beads, 5 sandcast rose drum beads, brass rounds, batik rondelles, bone spacers. Other materials:hemp for stringing, 4 carved red, buri nuts, painted horn tube beads from India.