Hear This Rick Perry, If Oprah Is A Harlot, I Am A Harlot, Too

Boys Club

‘Blow the trumpet in Zion’! Rick Perry at ‘The Response’ rally

Rick Perry: Preacher, prophet … president? The Texas Observer

Rick Perry’s Army of God The Texas Observer

‘Rick Perry’s Army of God’, written in Sept 2009, introduces us to Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, two pastors who not only support Rick Perry as America’s next president, but consider themselves to be prophets of God. So consumed with importance are these two men, that they consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, with a direct line to God.

Yesterday, our focus was Michele Bachmann’s direct line to God — in her own words.

Today, we learn more about a little-known movement of radical Christians who are determined to take over the US government, subordinating all Americans to their view of not only God’s grand plan for Texas. Schlueter and Long have proclaimed that Texas was ‘The Prophet State, ‘annointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government.

The Texas Observer writes that Perry is their man.

If they simply professed unusual beliefs, movement leaders wouldn’t be remarkable. But what makes the New Apostolic Reformation movement so potent is its growing fascination with infiltrating politics and government. The new prophets and apostles believe Christians—certain Christians—are destined to not just take “dominion” over government, but stealthily climb to the commanding heights of what they term the “Seven Mountains” of society, including the media and the arts and entertainment world. They believe they’re intended to lord over it all. As a first step, they’re leading an “army of God” to commandeer civilian government.

If you’re a Democrat, you’re dead meat. These prophets believe that Democrats are controlled by Jezebel and three lesser demons. You think I exaggerate. Last weekend the man who probably seeks to be our next president hugged Alice Patterson, a self-proclaimed apostle from San Antonio who believes the Democratic Party is controlled by ‘an invisible network of evil comprising an unholy structure’ released by the demon Jezebel.

Not to Worry, Says Mainstream Media

It appears that America’s national media has concluded that last weekend’s New Apostolic Reformation movement called ‘The Response’ convocation of 30,000 wasn’t a political event.

The notion that a governor had initiated the event was not lost on the speakers. Indeed, it was integral to the power of the event.

“We pray for our governor, Rick Perry, who has had the courage today to call this time of fasting and prayer just as Abraham Lincoln did in the darkest days of the Civil War,” said pastor John Hagee, the pastor that John McCain repudiated in 2008 after Hagee’s anti-Catholic remarks became widely-known. “We thank you for his leadership, his integrity and his loyalty to God and country.”

Enter Netanyu’s Good Friend John Hagee

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