Hillary Clinton 'Reborn' or Just Her Real Deal Self?

This week’s New York Magazine puts Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the perspective of a quiet power player and not one of the guys. In our bullet-point world, the mostly male TV pundits from Fox to MSNBC can only examine Hillary through the male perspective, rather than a human or more female one.

The guys see a Hillary who has not waged power effectively against the Obama Administration or Richard Holbrooke, George Mitchell, and Dennis Ross.

Anyone with an open mind, who tracks Hillary Clinton, has a different view of her, and New York Mag weighs in on the same track.

Secys Clinton and Gates at Cabinet meeting with President Obama, April 30, 2009I watched Secy Clinton with Secy of Defense Robert Gates discussing America’s Afghan strategy with CNN’s Christiane Amanpout last weekend. My greatest impression was of two highly intelligent, strategic leaders who obviously enjoy a cohesive, compatible, respectful relationship.

Remembering the days of Secy of State Colin Powell and Defense Secy Rumsfeld, who could barely breath the same air together, Clinton and Gates are a unified front, and not only as a photo op.

The media struggles dealing with duos or teams who actually get along. What’s intersting about that idea?Media wants a good fight, a hoax, a scheme, a new Polonius in the closet.

It was Chris Matthews who said that with the envoys in place, there is nothing for Hillary to do.

Forget the informed person’s view — shared by Muhammnad Yunus, Bill and Melinda Gates, Queen Rania and a growing list of global thinkers — that “empowering the globe’s women” is the world’s greatest strategic priority, and Hillary is in charge of it.

Even the American military believes that empowering women will decrease terrorism in the world.

Through a male lens that only thinks big conflict is news, Hillary does speak with a quiet, steady voice. But her power base and relationship with Secy of Defense Robert Gates speak volumes about another form of ‘powerful’ strategy.

In Secy Gates, we also see a different kind of man, perhaps one not consumed with ego at the expense of the world.

One of these days, I must write about the equivalent of Smart Sensuality men, because we have a growing presence of them in the world. For this we all say Amen. Anne

Read New York Magazine: Hillary Reborn