Do Gorgeous Bottoms Inspire Charitable Giving?

I don’t take lightly calling out knickers that cost several hundred dollars in the midst of a global recession. Please my dear readers, if you can afford these gorgeous fancies, then sign up for a women’s microloan with Grameen or join Alicia Keys to buy AIDs drugs for kids in Africa as well.

You’ll feel like a totally integrated Smart Sensuality woman.

We’re promoting dames not damsels, but anyone creative enough to write a Ph.D thesis on the color pink at London’t Royal College of Art and able to conceive lingerie as art are my kind of women. Liza Z. Morgan and Melanie Probert are the makers on lingerie for bonbons.

For a complete visual extravaganza, visit their art website Also see Petite Coquette UK via LATimes The Style List