Brian Reed's 'Through the Heart of It all' Whispers Eternal Secrets

‘Through the Heart of it All’ by Brian Reed

Take a deeply controversial subject in America — nudity and public decency — and incorporate it into a complex art exhibit that strains engaged minds to understand the message, and then present it in an incoherent to read website. With any luck, your message will be lost and distorted, which is a shame when at rock bottom, you just may have something important to say. (I was there. See followup note.)

After shooting the gallery webmaster, let me send you to Brian Reed’s online website, where you can read a much more coherent story about his show ‘Through the Heart of It all’  in New York’s West Village. I’ll be stopping by tomorrow. More to come. I feel a kindred spirit here.  Anne

Evoking a place of pilgrimage, Brian Reed creates a temple; the gallery ceiling is lined with sculpture and hung with glittering, clattering minkisi staffs. Nudes draped in textiles, one work woven of shark’s eggs forming a net, circulate throughout. All elements synergistically combine to create a vibrant atmosphere charged with spiritual energy. Through the Heart of It All is Brian Reed’s first installation combining all aspects of his questing art practice, which thoughtfully utilizes power images primarily found in the Americas.  Reed draws on his experiences with African cultural traditions, those found in Amerindian cultures, and even explores cultural ideas present from India and Islam in the Americas to achieve something that seems familiar in feeling, yet new in form and experience.  Crossing boundaries beyond religious ritual and contemporary performance art, Reed creates a richly colored and textured multi-media environment.

More reading:

Hey, Look! She’s naked! But It’s Art, So It’s All Right.