Dems Attack Mitt Romney's Support for Outlawing Birth Control in America

Let us be clear with Anne of Carversville readers. We believe that President Obama’s record of selling out women’s reproductive rights is hardly sterling. But between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, there is no doubt where American women’s lives and futures are more precarious.

Mitt Romney has joined the Republican War on Women, pleding his support for the ‘personhood’ amendment that will ban many forms of birth control in America.

Knowing that Mitt Romney looks poised to clinch the Republican presidential nomination, the Democratic National Committee yesterday released a new video and letter that aggressively hold Romney responsible for his new belief — flip-flop Romney was previously prochoice — that outlawing birth control is not a problem for American families.

Mitt Romney: ‘Absolutely’ Wong for Women

Raped, victims of incest, or one of 600,000 American women having a medically undesirable miscarriage in America each year (NOT an abortion but an unwanted, mother nature miscarriage) who can now die in our hospital emergency rooms, say Republicans and a few blue dog Democrats.

The official position of these people is that pregnant women are ‘incubators’, the sterile term used by former Rep Bart Stupak when he announced an agreement with the Vatican, permitting him to sign Obama’s health care legislation. 

Ironically, the focus of Mitt Romney and his support of the ‘personhood amendmend’ confirms his belief that women, wives and mothers with existing children can die, rather than receive the medical help they need in America. Families can no longer use family planning to limit the size of American families in his mind.

Romney turns against the very women he needs to put him in the White House, telling us that we lack our own rights to persoonhood, rights clarified by a Republican dominated Supreme Court who confirmed that such rights exist under the US Constitution.

Women must die if necessary, to protect a fertilized egg or embryo in Mitt Romney’s vision of American life. The same vision exists for all the Republican candidates, trying to unseat Obama. Women must bear their father’s child if necessary, because we are only incubators — not living, breathing females with our own rights.