Jerusalem-Vatican-UN-Seoul | Giant Male Farce

‘The Queen of the NIght’ is an old Babylonian carving (1800-1750 BC)

Quite frankly, I’m mentally exhausted this week, and not because I had so many bedroom romps.

Anne, who is devoted to men, is struggling to keep up with this week’s hormonal insanity. I must go on a long drive right now just to regain my balance and I promise to surround myself with women all weekend.

Bibi Netanyahu’s government gave America the finger this week — again. I’ve been pouring my heart out over the problem, after watching Bibi’s friend Pastor Hagee do one of his ‘Armageddon can’t get here fast enough’ speeches.

They were together at a big dinner in Israel, and this is not an unfair association on my part. I knew the Israeli Prime Minister was a hawk, but my eyes and ears are really opened this week. The videos of Pastor Hagee kept me spellbound and legs together for days.


Fifteen minutes ago, I would have made the argument that the messed up state of the world is about sexual repression and not enough healthy release of male testosterone. Sex is a bad, bad distraction in Conservative circles from Texas to Tehran, unless the hormone’s used to kill people — for God, of course. Always for God.

Meanwhile, I’m one of the ‘make love, not war doves’, although I put up a mighty fight when trampled on.

Typically I think for 24 hours before opening my digital mouth. For example, we waited on the report that the Vatican’s Chief Exorcist says that the Devil has moved into the Vatican. At first I thought it was a joke, but my liberal Jewish friends explained otherwise.

I’m pretty pissed reading these guys blame their deviant sexual behavior on the Devil, especially after going down big time with a priest who defended my attacker, when I was 15. The two men were known drinking buddies in our little town, and a 15-year-old God-fearing girl didn’t stand a chance against the Catholic Boy’s Club.

‘For shame, Anne, you liar and corrupting influence on men!’

Fine, I believed them. Eve, Lilith, Aphrodite, Anne — we’re all slut girls.

After listening to my Jewish friends, I posted about the Devil being in the Vatican and Cardinals not believing in God, because it seemed to be relevant journalism.

This isn’t my allegation but that of the Head Exorcist. I would never accuse a Cardinal of being so concerned about his career that he managed to hide the fact that he didn’t believe in God, in order to make it to the top of his chosen professional pyramid.

These are not my words. Reality is, my mother would wash out my mouth with soap over that digital suggestion. Thankfully, she’s not a big reader of mine; the family spares her.

Thrilled to post this morning that some Archbishops and Cardinals are insisting that the Catholic Church look into deviant sexual behavior caused by sexual repression — translated celibacy — I thought I was done with politics, except for posting this cute video about the state of Israel — which is NOT true.

Size Doesn’t Matter - Paradise

Israel may be a small country, but one with a mighty c—-. Au contraire. Brass balls belong to the Jewish guys I know, and quite frankly they know how to use them. Properly focused, Jewish men are great in bed.

Being a lover of Jewish men, who have ALWAYS recognized my talents in business, I’m allowed to criticize Bibi. My heart and conscience are clear.

So don’t believe this video for a moment, re size matters in the nation of Israel.

Being a blond, looks are deceiving. Not dumb, but I understand the proper place of testerone in a man’s life. It should be released in bed and not the battlefield — or with altar boys or altar girls in Catholic dioceses, where the bishop permits the feminine sex to partipate, that is. 

Altar girls opens up and entirely new can of worms in the sex abuse cases, but I won’t go there. My plate is full this week.

Ban Ki-moon Delivered the Last Straw

So what happens next? Truly chagrined that men are behaving so positively, mortally stupid this week, I took action this morning in response to UN Secretary General failure to appoint ONE woman to the new 19-member UN panel charged with overseeing the expenditure of UN funds on climate change.

I’ll be honest, saying now what went through my head earlier this morning. Mind you, I remain beloved in South Korea, according to my friends there. They say such a creative person as me has not come back to Seoul.

Everyone wants cheap, cheap, cheap today, whereas I wanted to pay more and refine the product. Those were the old days. PS, I made a whole lotta money for my company with the strategy.

Writing about the blatant sexism of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in not finding ONE qualified woman for his committee, I refrained from all my sexist South Korean men stories, and I have a catalogue full — although few personal insults.

Luckily my colleagues were heavenly men, including MK who got me out of the monkey-brains dinner in China, without causing an international incident and loss of ‘male face’. I also had the big pencil and larger-than-life personality, so I got no grief from Korean men.

Tough as nails, I waited them out about five days on price one time — just sat for five extra days in my hotel to make a point that I wasn’t leaving until I got $2.05. The largest buyer of polyester in South Korea needed ground rules from the beginning.

After that showdown and my insistance that Korean couldn’t be spoken for more than five minutes straight, before returning to English — and I had a timer — we all got along swimmingly, and they cried when I left Victoria’s Secret.

Did I talk about the famous story of the Limited’s Verna Gibson, then president of the Limited, getting off a private plane in Seoul in the pouring rain? No.  Verna walked down the steps with her then merchandise manager Howard Gross behind her. Howard said that about five Seoul guys all ran up to him and put umbrellas over his head — more umbrellas than one 5’8” guy would ever need to keep him dry.

Meanwhile, Verna Gibson — his boss in the 1980s when the Limited was one of the few large companies making women into CEOs and presidents — was drowning like a rat in rain. No one covered her head in Seoul, just like no one thought to invite any women to the UN’s new climate change money panel. And why should they? Men have taken such good care of women worldwide, and today’s younger American women agree.

Did I write any of this nonsense this morning? No. Because long ago I put wit to my wisdom, deciding that most days I can forgive men their macho behavior, trying instead to maneuveur around them and move things along to my desired ending.

It’s a bit like being on top in bed. You get your moves down really well; he suffers from hormonal depletion but he’s smiling because you just sent him to Kingdom Come and not a drop of blood was shed. Killing people is the very last thing on his mind.

We have peace in the world, shiksa-style, although every woman can achieve the same result, depending on her relationship with the Good Book.

Now when it comes to filling up God’s bank with lots of little ones, making sex a duty and childbearing a competitive religious challenge, I don’t know how to advise women. Perhaps we can get answer’s at this weekend’s ‘Women in the World’ conference here in New York.

Alright, so you want to know what set me off besides Bibi, the Vatican’s Exorcist, and the Secretary General of the UN? I went to Huff Po for relief and amusement and who do I run into? This South Korean guy who married his pillow.

South Korean Lee Jin-gyu married his favorite girl pillow Fate Testarossa. Yes. I’m supposed to understand the the UN Secretary General can’t find qualified women to sit on his climate panel, when women are KNOWN for handling the money better in developing countries; when they are KNOWN for being less corrupt.

All the Secretary General of the UN has to do is to read Anne of Carversville because we report these facts EVERY day of the week. His own UN reports say that women are suffering the most worldwide from climate change, whatever the causes.

Sorry. The Secretary General of the UN can’t find any competent women for his panel. (Note, the French have already changed out their representative to be a woman.)

Totally aggravated at the end of a week, being up to my eyeballs in male ideology, rhetoric and the Devil, Ban Ki-moon’s countryman marries his pillow. The timing is frankly unfortunate.

You know all those guys with umbrellas? In South Korea, women make up 2% of the seats on the boards of the country’s largest companies: Samsung, Hyundai, LG and SK. South Korea ranked 115th out of 134 in the World Economic Forum’s Gender Equality Index.

Do I point out to the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that his actions go straight into supporting the recent NYTimes story about women and sexism in South Korea? No, because I am not looking for a fight today.  But when his country men are marrying their pillows,  I must stand up for rational, female behavior and better management of male homones.

stupid snorkler via Flickr’s fotogailThe week began as a farce, and it’s ending as one.  I’m reading more and more scientific evidence that men are ideologically driven and women are practical and want to move events forward.

In a week when we have the Devil in the Vatican and Pastor Hagee praying with Bibi for Armageddon, Ban Ki-moon unable to find qualified women for his climate money panel and his country man marrying a pillow, I say ‘enough’.

Now you understand that while I really don’t mind that men take up with sex dolls, but I’m aghast that men are creating the artificial intelligence to minic women’s brains in the future.

Women aren’t creating women’s brains. Men are creating women’s AI brains. And I’m terrified. Totally terrified. This keeps me up at night, when I don’t have a good man in the house. Peace out. Anne

More reading:

Sex Talk | Roxxxy: Perfect Partner Sex Robot

If Tomorrow’s Brains Are Created by Men, Will Both Sexes Now Think Alike?