Anok, Freja Beha, Rebecca, Sora + By Willy Vanderperre In Prada's 'Anatomy of Romance' Fall 2019

Prada takes a twist in the road in its Fall/Winter 2019 campaign, described as ‘Anatomy of Romance’. Prada’s modern aesthetic is anchored in a love of humanity anchored in the intoxicating love and appreciation of life in nature. The enticing vibe is sorely missing in our urban environments, inviting us for a moment of reflection and taking time “to smell the roses” metaphorically in images by Willy Vanderperre.

Models Anok Yai, Freja Beha Erichsen, Rebecca Longendyke, Sora Choi and more wear Prada’s military-inspired, unisex uniforms required for the growing fights for rights in our daily lives. The campaign is romantic, yes, but fiercely realistic and quietly confrontational at the same time.