Eye | NOT VOGUE Says 'No' | Louis Vuitton's Slaves to Fashion | Muhummad Ali As 'The Greatest'

Louis Vuitton’s Fashion Robots

Looking at the Louis Vuitton F/W campaign video, it’s impossible not to see a sea of fashion robots. Indeed, it’s the femme who is snapping her fingers, but a robotic vision permeates the film.

Louis Vuitton - Prêt-à-Porters from John Wright on Vimeo.

Louis Vuitton Tribute to Muhammad Ali

What a contrast from the message of Louis Vuitton’s tribute to The Greatest - Muhammad Ali! Listening up with hip-hop artist Yasiin Bey and calligraphist Niels Shoe Meulman paying tribute to the great Muhammad Ali, I can’t help but think of president Obama this morning.


We don’t hear so much ‘dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee’ spirit and passion these days — and certainly not from the mouths of women. For many of us fashion has become a religion, an idea I refer to often in essays.

Meet NOT VOGUE, a visually-rich blog brimming with fashion commentary and quick bits zingers like MENTHOL WARS TRACK 1 MASTER MORALITY ABSORBS SLAVE MORALITY headlining the Louis Vuitton fall campaign shot above.

Bullett writes about NOT VOGUE:

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